By Lindsay McKenzie. Thirty academics from the University of California system have said they will no longer provide editorial services to publisher Elsevier’s highly influential Cell Press journals. More...
Embracing Instagram
A long-serving professor has found new joys in staying connected with students after they leave his university. More...
The Strategic Way to Be Yourself in a Job Search
Derek Attig offers three suggestions on how to strike a balance between being real and being professional -- and figuring out what that even means -- when talking to potential employers. More...
Stooges, Turncoats and Others
To make a false distinction between service and administration is counterproductive and harms faculty of color and women, write Carolyn Dever and George Justice. More...
Advancing to the Presidency No. 2: Always Be Learning
S. Georgia Nugent highlights some modes of learning that are especially valuable if you aspire to be a campus leader. More...
Managing Subconscious Messages in Your Job Search
Sometimes you can use them to your benefit, writes Joseph Barber, and other times you want to make sure they don't disadvantage you. More...
Notes From a Teaching President
It can make for a grueling workweek, but the insights gained from students make teaching worth it, writes Martha D. Saunders, who offers advice to other presidents who still crave the classroom. More...
Grad Students Should Consider Administrative Work
A wide range of positions at colleges and universities are open to those with a Ph.D., writes Chris M. Golde. More...
Give It a Rest
Finished your dissertation and ready to write your book? Not so fast, warns Laura Portwood-Stacer. More...
Needed: Allies for Equitable Faculty Workloads
KerryAnn O'Meara, Joya Misra, Audrey J. Jaeger and Dawn Culpepper recommend five things you can do now to help create a fairer workplace. More...