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1 décembre 2019

Des dirigeants de grandes marques dévoilent les meilleurs «soft skills» pour réussir sa carrière

Chaque lundi retrouvez notre série de vidéos «Au secours je commence lundi!» où des patrons conseillent les étudiants qui démarrent leur vie professionnelle. Plus...

30 novembre 2019

My Dad’s Academic Career as My Model

By Joshua Kim. Earlier this year, I did a Q&A with my dad on his three decades of academic telecommuting. In that piece, my dad talked about how working remotely from his institution (Harvard) in a lower-cost location (Montana) enabled him to both keep his research going, and to live a more sane and balanced life. More...

29 novembre 2019

Career Preparedness

By Steven Mintz. It’s higher ed’s catchphrase of the moment. Career readiness speaks to a host of concerns:

  • That a college education is excessively theoretical and disconnected from real world.
  • That students lack the skills and experience that employers seek.
  • That too many students flail and flounder due to a lack of realistic career aspirations or a practical plan to achieve their goals.

Employers and students themselves worry about college graduates’ career preparedness. More...

25 novembre 2019

Backward Design Your Way to a Fulfilling Career

HomeSince defending my dissertation in 2013, I have worn several hats at the University of Michigan. As a result, I am contacted occasionally by graduate students who are considering multiple career options and want to sit down for an informational interview -- a casual conversation with a professional about their career trajectory and the nature of their current work or industry. More...

25 novembre 2019

Why and How to Build Connections Online

HomeThe evolution of social media has provided multiple routes for making new professional acquaintances and friends, writes Victoria McGovern. More...

25 novembre 2019

Can Going Alt Ac Work Out for You?

HomeWilliam Casement found his Ph.D. and intellectual bent were assets to be parlayed in the outside world rather than a cross to bear. More...

25 novembre 2019

Advancing to the Presidency No. 4: Create Your Own Jobs

HomeS. Georgia Nugent describes how to get the opportunity, the break, to move farther along your leadership path. More...

25 novembre 2019

Inclusion Beyond Appearances

HomeA controversy over a social media post at the University of Missouri should encourage other institutions to reconsider how they and their own departments are operating, writes Courtney N. Wright. More...

25 novembre 2019

Balancing Wellness and a Job Search

HomeWhat does being healthy and well look like during a job search, and why does that matter? Based on my work with graduate students and postdocs, along with my own experiences, preparing for and conducting a job search can feel exhausting. More...

25 novembre 2019

The Seizure That Made Me a College Professor

Home“Authority is contextual and constructed,” I tell my first-year writing students, all 96 of them, when introducing them to academic research. And what do I mean by that? I’m a composition teacher, I say, so I have some authority on composition. More...

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