Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. L’Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert procède par article. Cette chronique s’intéresse aux articles qui portent un nom de ville : dans 22 villes, ont été fondées, du 13ème au 16ème siècle, des universités. Lors de la création de leur université, toutes les villes n’étaient pas localisées dans le royaume de France. Toutes les universités fondées n’ont pas survécu jusqu’au milieu du 18ème siècle ; certaines ont été transférées dans une autre ville. Plus...
Nouvelles de l’université d’Orléans
Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Trois évènements signalés par le blog SLU Université d’Orléans. Plus...
Paris Saclay, Empreinte Carbone
Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Venus de 33 pays sur quatre continents, les dirigeants représentant 86 grandes universités de science et technologie (S&T), se sont réunis à Paris-Saclay. Ils étaient là pour débattre des enjeux de l’enseignement et de la recherche en S&T au 21e siècle. Plus...
Trust in university finances requires both sides to put the work in

'Best time ever': school-leavers have pick of university courses, says Ucas
Today’s school-leavers are enjoying “the best time ever” to take their pick of university courses, thanks to fierce competition between institutions recruiting from a shrinking pool of 18-year-olds, according to the UK’s university admissions administrator. More...
Universities have driven their workers into the ground. That’s why I’m striking
Our eight days of action are in response to a marketised sector that has prioritised profit over the welfare of staff and students. More...
The Guardian view on university strikes: a battle for the soul of the campus
The market model in higher education has created an intellectual precariat who are right to fight back. More...
Students: will your vote be more effective at home or university? – interactive
UK students can choose to vote in their home constituency or in their term-time area. Find out where your vote could make most difference. More...
News University
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. News University
This is an interesting site. The courses vary from very short and informal - like the Be a Reporter game - to courses that are rather more in-depth and topical, like the covering water quality issues course. Many of the courses are free, though it looks like they're reserving an option to charge for enrollment. The course list includes live webinars are well as more traditional categories. The site is a few steps away from wheree they want to be, though, as I don't really get a sense of any community or RSS course feeds. There is a blog. More...
How University Works: Introduction to University Life