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7 octobre 2017

Revolutionizing the university for the digital era Blog. At its core, the new education Cathy Davidson envisions creates a platform for student-centered, active learning. Technology will be a part of that, but only if it enhances student agency. More...

5 octobre 2017

Formations paramédicales et de maïeutique dans l’université: lancement d'une mission

A partir des expériences existantes, la mission devra également préciser les modalités permettant de simplifier les circuits de recrutement dans ces filières ainsi que l’inscription des étudiants à l’université, l’établissement de leur carte d’étudiant, l’accès aux services universitaires et sociaux et la délivrance de leurs diplômes.
Les évolutions possibles des statuts des formateurs dans ces filières devront être examinées, afin de garantir le bon déroulement de carrière des actuels formateurs mais également de les intégrer pleinement dans les universités. Un inventaire sera fait des dispositions institutionnelles et des outils de gouvernance disponibles dans les universités pour bien inclure ces formations, ainsi que des éventuels freins constitutionnels, législatifs ou règlementaires que cette intégration pourrait rencontrer. Plus...
5 octobre 2017

Pour une meilleure intégration des formations paramédicales à l'université : mise en œuvre des mesures de la Grande conférence

A la suite de la Grande conférence de santé de février 2016, une mission conjointe de l'Inspection générale des affaires sociales (IGAS) et de l'Inspection générale de l'administration de l'éducation nationale et de la recherche (IGAENR) a été chargée par les ministres, en juillet 2016, d'examiner les modalités de mise en œuvre de trois mesures : mesure 5 (droits sociaux des étudiants en formation paramédicale), mesure 6 (évaluation de l'offre de formation), mesure 13 (ancrage pédagogique de ces formations à l'université). Y a été adjointe, par souci de cohérence, la mesure 14 (extension aux instituts paramédicaux du principe d'évaluation de l'enseignement supérieur). Plus...
23 septembre 2017

Do universities take foreign students ahead of British? A look at some facts

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The Sunday Times did not publish the data on which the article is based, but from the few statistics they do quote, it would appear that they have not focused on admissions to universities. Instead, they have counted all students attending university including those in their second and subsequent years of study. Furthermore, they have not distinguished between full-time and part-time, young and old, those aiming for a degree, and those who are studying on short courses. More...

22 septembre 2017

Universities to Play Critical Role in Closing the Skills Gap

Best Masters Degrees & Masters Programs 2017/2018The bad news? Nearly half of employers believe that college graduates lack key skills expected of them at the time of hiring, according to a recent Student Development Survey from the UK’s Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR). The good news? Not only can these skills can be acquired in a relatively short period of time, but universities can play an important role in the process. More...

22 septembre 2017

Student suicide rate hits record levels at universities

A new study has shown that a record number of students in higher education in the United Kingdom have killed themselves in recent years. The alarming statistics also claim that the number of undergraduates who have disclosed mental health problems during their first year has grown to a total of over 15,000 in a decade, writes Oliver Cragg for the International Business Times. More...
22 septembre 2017

Hungarian higher education law: requirements for already operating universities highly problematic say Venice Commission experts

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"In a preliminary opinion issued today, the Council of Europe’s legal experts of the Venice Commission note that in general the regulations of Hungary’s higher education law are in line with usual European practice but criticise that many requirements of the law are overly stringent or even unjustified if applied to already existing universities. More...

20 septembre 2017

University journalism schools need to adapt – Experts

Experts say journalism schools need to adapt and undergo fundamental shifts in how courses are taught in order to survive in the age of social media platforms and technology or they will face steadily declining enrolments, writes Dumrongkiat Mala for the Bangkok Post. More...
20 septembre 2017

Foreign student interest in universities drops – Report

International students are not applying to Indian universities, which have recorded a drop in the number of enrolments, a new report reveals – a result researchers say reflects the unfulfilled potential of the country’s education system, reports Study International. More...
20 septembre 2017

Universities are in for a long period of disruption as alternatives compete

By Brendan O'Malley – Managing Editor. In our World Blog this week, Tom Abeles says the traditional idea of the university is changing, their funding models are up for debate as never before and they are in for a long cycle of disruption as alternatives compete to provide qualifications.
   In Commentary, Miguel Antonio Lim pieces together the puzzle of why university rankings are so influential given the relative scepticism with which they are perceived by academics, while Damtew Teferra explains why it would be wise for the world, especially Africa, to ignore reputation-based global university rankings.
   Also in Commentary, Mariam Aman Shah and David Santandreu Calonge suggest a ‘frugal MOOC’ model to overcome barriers to online education for refugees, and list four critical elements of such a model. And Yves Gingras writes that science funding decisions should be based on evidence-based policies – which scientists usually love to promote – and that concentrating funding in a few hands goes against the data on diminishing returns and does not maximise the probability of scientific breakthroughs.
   In Features, Wagdy Sawahel reports that the rising number of suicides among North African students and graduates has seen the spotlight turned onto the role of universities in supporting vulnerable students, and Jan Petter Myklebust reports on a new protest movement in Norwegian academia that questions the way universities are increasingly being run like businesses. More...
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