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21 août 2015

Cedefop - Projects - Validation of non-formal and informal learning

Home The importance to Europe of a skilled and knowledgeable citizenry extends beyond formal education to learning acquired in non-formal or informal ways. Citizens must be able to demonstrate what they have learned in order to use this learning in their career and for further education and training. To do so, they must have access to a system which identifies, documents, assesses and certifies (=validates) all forms of learning. This is what the EU has called upon Member States to put in place by 2018. More...

31 juillet 2015

La validation de l’apprentissage non formel et informel

Logo  Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationMme Sandrine Doucet, députée, à présenter un rapport d'information à l'Assemblée nationale, dans le cadre de la Commission des Affaires européennes, intitulé : "La validation de l'apprentissage non formel et informel". 
Dans ce cadre, M. Antoine Godbert, directeur de l'agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation, a été auditionné. Voir l'article...

29 juillet 2015

Informelles Lernen in virtuellen Gemeinschaften. Nutzungspraktiken zwischen Information und Partizipation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Im Zentrum der Studie steht die Frage, welche Nutzungspraktiken sich in Bezug auf virtuelle Gemeinschaften im Web 2.0 herausgebildet haben und aktuell weiterentwickeln. Wie organisiert der Einzelne seine Nutzung virtueller Praxisgemeinschaften im Alltag und wo kann diese Nutzung in Bezug auf Lernen verortet werden. More...

11 juillet 2015

Apprentissages informels : à portée de la formation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Par Michel Diaz. Les apprentissages informels : un domaine aujourd’hui à portée des départements formation… L’approche existe, prudente, progressive, fondée sur l’expertise initiale de la fonction formation ; les outils arrivent, notamment les plateformes xAPI qui reconnaissent les activités d’apprentissage expérientiel et social. Voir l'article...

2 juillet 2015

Professor Says Facebook Can Help Informal Learning

By . Who says Facebook is always a distraction? A new study suggests that if engaged in online debate, college students can use the popular social network to learn and develop a variety of skills. More...

24 juin 2015

Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning: Why Recognition Matters

This UIL publication investigates factors that are critical for implementing the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of non-formal and informal learning. It examines RVA’s strategic policy objectives and best practice features as well as the challenges faced and ways forward as reported by Member States. Most importantly, perhaps, this book assesses RVA’s role in promoting equality and inclusiveness both in education and across society more generally.
This book aims to share experience, expertise and lessons learned regarding RVA of nonformal and informal learning. More...

23 juin 2015

Formalization of learning: It’s the space between domains that matters

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""The current issue of RELA (European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults) contains various perspectives on how adults teach and learn. The topics of this issue range from inclusion of youth with a low educational level in the offering of adult education and training, to the self-perception of adult educators, to learning through self-help books. Reinhard Zürcher, who works as an associate at the Pedagogical University of Vienna, contributed an Austrian perspective, writing on his research on the teaching-learning continuum. More...

2 mai 2015

À quoi ressemblera l’apprentissage des adultes en 2015 ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour En principe, peu importe la façon dont l’apprentissage est acquis, du moment que l’apprenant parvient à réaliser les objectifs d’apprentissage qu’il s’est fixé. Grâce à la validation, les qualifications et l’apprentissage acquis en dehors du système formel acquièrent davantage de valeur. En effet, les compétences acquises sont alors reconnues et peuvent être utilisées pour faire évoluer sa carrière et sa vie. De plus l’accumulation des apprentissages conduit à des qualifications formalisées qui à leur tour facilitent l’accès à l’acquisition formelle d’une formation et à des parcours d’apprentissage améliorés. Voir l'article...

9 avril 2015

Germany - roles of formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes in the recognition act

HomeThe professional and vocational qualifications assessment law (BQFG) permits informally or non-formally acquired competences to be taken into account when checking equivalence of foreign and German qualifications. As long as the prerequisites for a vocational qualification obtained abroad are met, assessment of equivalence is based on documentary examination regardless of the route via which competences were gained. Under certain conditions, vocational competences may be assessed on an individual basis. More...

31 mars 2015

Join the VNIL Community discussion group in LinkedIn

EucenJoin the VNIL Community discussion group in LinkedIn, and be in touch with experts on Validation on Non-formal and Informal Learning  from different sectors all around the World!

Enter your comments, questions and join on-going discussions. More...

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