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31 mars 2015

eBook "Cooperate to Validate - OBSERVAL-Net experts' report on Validation of non-formal and informal learning 2013"

EucenThe final product from OBSERVAL-Net is now ready to download. This publication will be soon available as an eBook. But in the meantime you can download the pdf version.
You are invited to visit the OBSERVAL-Net website and use the materials available there.
And also to join the VNIL Community in LinkedIn. More...

27 mars 2015

Grundtvig Learning Partnerships and the positive outcomes of informal learning

Inspired by Simon Broek’s latest blog post on formalisation of learning and the plea for mitigating the effort to formalise adult education, I wanted to share some of my own findings. These findings are based on recent research on non-formal learning settings, which support key values of adult learning: individual learning goals and accessibility. More...

27 mars 2015

Do we actually learn more by formalising learning?

I’d like to present a critical observation on the distinction between formal, non-formal and informal learning. This concerns not so much the distinction itself (which is disputable though), but the tendency to make formalise what is non-formal and informal. 
Sometimes things crumble once you try to formalise and define them. Take for example a moving piece of art, or an inspiring play. More...

27 mars 2015

7 challenges to validating non-formal and informal learning in Europe

The 2012 Council Recommendation calls for Member States to put in place, by no later than 2018, arrangements to enable individuals to have their knowledge, skills and competences acquired via non-formal and informal learning validated, and to be able to obtain ’a full qualification, or, where applicable, part qualification on the basis of validated non-formal and informal learning experiences’. This is certainly a laudable and ambitious aim, and there are those who feel that the drive to formalise all types of learning may well lead to a narrower conception of learning. More...

27 mars 2015

La formalisation de l’apprentissage des adultes permet-elle vraiment d’apprendre plus?

Tout d'abord, un petit rappel terminologique, dans son Mémorandum sur  l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie (CE, 2000), la Commission européenne distingue:

  • l'apprentissage formel, qui débouche sur l'obtention de diplômes et de qualifications reconnus. Il se déroule dans des établissements d'enseignement et de formation publics pour les jeunes, des institutions publiques s’adressant aux adultes, et dans des structures  ‑gérées par des organisations non-gouvernementales, par des services de proximité ou encore par des entreprises privées.
  • l'apprentissage non formel, qui n'aboutit généralement pas à l'obtention de certificats officiels. L'apprentissage non formel peut intervenir dans différentes structures, dans les établissements d'apprentissage formel ou dans le cadre d'activités proposées par des organisations non gouvernementales à but non lucratif, comme des organisations de la société civile. Il peut aussi être dispensé par des organismes éducatifs comme les écoles, les collèges et les universités; des collèges communautaires, des associations dans le domaine de l’éducation, des universités populaires, des centres religieux, des syndicats, des partis politiques, des organismes rattachés aux chambres de commerce, des associations professionnelles, des entreprises, des associations patronales, des prestataires d’éducation et de formation privés; des organisations de la société civile; des musées et des bibliothèques privées ou publiques; des centres communautaires, culturels ou de loisirs. L'apprentissage non formel passe également par la formation à distance, grâce aux moyens de communication virtuels, et d’autres canaux.
  • L'apprentissage informel est le corollaire naturel de la vie quotidienne. Contrairement à l'apprentissage formel et non formel, il n'est pas forcément intentionnel et peut donc ne pas être perçu, y compris par les individus eux-mêmes, comme un apport à leurs connaissances et leurs compétences. Voir l'article...
22 janvier 2015

Poland - bottom–up initiative to boost non-formal education

HomeOn 26 November 2014 the first congress on non-formal education was held in Warsaw. The congress was an initiative of the Polish chamber of training companies and the Polish Agency of Entrepreneurship Development as well as 11 adult education institutions. It served as a platform for discussing non-formal education as a means to increase competence and innovativeness among Polish people. More...

28 novembre 2014

UIL launches Global RVA Observatory

The UIL Global Observatory of the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation (RVA) of Non-formal and Informal Learning, in short, Global RVA Observatory, is a new online resource providing access to information on RVA in UNESCO Member States. It brings together recent RVA developments by inviting policy-makers, national experts, practitioners and all those with a professional interest in RVA to share and exchange their countries’ specific models of RVA. Eleven country profiles and 27 case studies were launched in autumn 2014.
With the ultimate aim of developing a useful ePlatform, further profiles and case studies will be added and existing ones updated on an on-going basis as we receive responses from Member States about their RVA systems.


28 octobre 2014

Harnessing informal and social learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Harnessing informal and social learning
Charles Gould, Brightwave, Slideshare, 2014/10/21

Interesting presentation (especially the screen shots in the latter half) on personal and informal learning. Key learning points: Early adoption examples of dynamic social learning in real-world scenarios. More...

22 septembre 2014

Embracing Non-Traditional Students on College Campuses (Part 2)

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Support for all students is most effective when it’s anchored by caring, mentoring relationships. Students feel better about engaging with their education (and generally have better academic outcomes) when they perceive others to be invested in their success.[1] Especially on large campuses, it’s important that faculty reinforce for students that they’ve been noticed and that, with effort, they can succeed. In order to better support and retain adult students who are coming back to campus, college administrators and faculty should provide a variety of ways to connect with faculty outside of class. More...

14 septembre 2014

Significant increase in students entering postgraduate research with prior PG qualifications

HEFCE logoNew HEFCE analysis shows that the proportion of students entering postgraduate (PG) research degrees with a prior PG qualification has increased from 33 per cent to 59 per cent over the last 12 years [Note 1].
The report, by CRAC/Vitae and iCeGS, finds that universities remain ambitious to develop and grow their postgraduate research activity, but recognise that this will be challenging due to the availability of funding and international competition. More...

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