European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning
Cedefop, 2016/07/22
This document (64 page PDF) is more of a framework than a final statement on the topic of recognizing individual achievement, but as such it's a great start and will likely become a document of reference in the field. More...
Formation. Dis moi qui tu es ? Education Formelle – Non formelle - Informelle
Investigating instructional strategies for using social media in formal and informal learning
Despite the high popularity of personal use of online social media, a low percentage of students and instructors use them for educational purposes. This qualitative study explores the use of social media among faculty in the discipline of public administration in the United States. Eight instructors participated in telephone interviews about their experiences and perceptions of using social media for teaching and learning. More...
Ghana: Towards a new non-formal education policy
Ghana is currently in the process of drafting a new non-formal education policy that, once implemented, will help provide literacy and basic skills training to the estimated 29% of its citizens aged 15 years and above who lack literacy skills. Ghana’s current policy on literacy and non-formal education (NFE), the ‘Mass Literacy and Social Change Programme’ (MASSLIP), dates back to 1998. It is necessary to develop a new non-formal education policy that fits within the framework of lifelong learning. More...
EdCast Launches New Interactive Learning Platform To Bridge Formal And Informal Learning
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. With an eye toward building what EdCast chief executive Karl Mehta calls “the next big social media company,” his company has launched a new interactive platform with the help of some titans of media, technology and finance. More...
VNIL Community
Join the VNIL Community discussion group in LinkedIn, and be in touch with experts on Validation on Non-formal and Informal Learning from different sectors all around the World!
Validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNIL) represents a fundamental opportunity for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to become Lifelong Learning (LLL) organisations. VNIL can be very useful when people want to invest in themselves with the aim to improve their possibilities in the labour market or simple for widening their knowledge. It would be very helpful if HEIs could offer tailor-made and affordable VNIL services for individual design of portfolios, assessment and LLL activities.
Join the VNIL Community to share your experience and thoughts with other experts from different sectors and countries around the world. More...
TRANSFINE - Transfer between Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education
The project partnership is built around an inner circle of 5 European networks covering the fields of Socrates, Leonardo and Youth: eucen (lead partner), EAEA, FIEEA, AEFP, SEFI. The contractor is the Université de Sciences et Technologies de Lille and the project is coordinated by eucen. More...
REFINE - REcognising Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education
The aims of Refine are: to test the tools for a European methodological framework for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning (as recommended by the Transfine project funded under the first Joint Action call); to foster trans-national and trans-sectoral collaboration; to build mutual trust in the practices and procedures. More...