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16 août 2013

Council of Europe and European Commission publication on learning mobility and non-formal learning is considered to be important for the personal development and employability of young people, as well as for intercultural dialogue, participation and active citizenship. Learning mobility in the youth field focuses on non-formal learning as a relevant part of youth work, with links to informal learning as well as to formal education. Different stakeholders at European level, particularly the Council of Europe and the European Commission, but also individual member states, foster programmes and strategies to enhance the mobility of young people, and particularly the learning dimension in mobility schemes.
This book on learning mobility is a joint Council of Europe and European Commission publication and provides texts of an academic, scientific, political and practical nature for all stakeholders in the youth field - youth leaders and youth workers, policy makers and researchers. It should contribute to dialogue and co-operation between relevant players and to discussion on the further development and purpose of youth mobility schemes and their outcomes for young people.

15 août 2013

EUCIS-LLL sets up a task force on validation of non-formal and informal learning European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning - EUCIS-LLL - has been advocating for validation as a key tool for lifelong learning for years and has now set up a task force to further tackle the issue. EAEA is a member of EUCIS-LLL.
The task force will look at the implementation of the 2012 Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning, as well as the current revision of Cedefop 2009 European Guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning and 2010 European Inventory on validation.
EUCIS-LLL held the first meeting of the task force on 11 July 2013. Participants exchanged views with a European Commission representative that gave an update on the policy background. They debated on their vision of validation and recognition of learning outcomes, more particularly acquired in non-formal and informal settings. During their next meeting, platform experts and practitioners will discuss and adopt the task force action plan.
[via EUCIS-LLL newsletter]

28 juillet 2013

EUCIS-LLL sets up a task force on validation of non-formal and informal learning European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning - EUCIS-LLL - has been advocating for validation as a key tool for lifelong learning for years and has now set up a task force to further tackle the issue. EAEA is a member of EUCIS-LLL.
The task force will look at the implementation of the 2012 Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning, as well as the current revision of Cedefop 2009 European Guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning and 2010 European Inventory on validation. Read more...
27 juin 2013

La educación permanente: aprendizaje formal, informal y no formal*Yo-tJcQND4*vwUUjn7TonUgdXQwK7aucIRa8nIlgKuiIJTwl37fEURwVMXraxi/CABECERA_ES.jpgTema 8: La educación permanente: aprendizaje formal, informal y no formal
Los meses de mayo y junio de 2013 tiene lugar el Tema 8: La Educación permanente. Aprendizaje formal, informal y no formal. En este tema, damos respuesta a cómo ir más alla de la educación formal, partiendo de un aprendizaje que se produce en diversos contextos, y durante toda la vida. Concluiremos nuestro recorrido de actividades virtuales, con la realización de la octava jornada de eventos presenciales en 9 ciudades iberoamericanas, cuyo tramo comenzará en Caracas (Venezuela), los días 27 y 28 de junio.
1. Actividades virtuales (Mayo- Junio 2013)

Llevamos a cabo distintas actividades online en torno a cuatro categorías: Debatir con ponentes de primer nivel internacional; Foro comunidad educativa, un punto de encuentro entre familias, estudiantes y docentes implicados en la educación del futuro; Compartir y Talleres, aprendizaje práctico a través de actividades colaborativas. Para acceder a las actividades puedes pinchar en el eje temático deseado.
1.1 Actividades por ejes temáticos:

* Aprendizaje durante toda la vida (Life Long Learning), Cultura Digital y Competencias del Siglo XXI. Del 20 al 24 de mayo
* Aprender como ciudadano digital. Del 27 de mayo al 7 de junio
* Nuevos puentes educación – mercado laboral – sociedad. Del 10 al 14 de junio
* Enseñar y aprender desde el ocio y la cultura. Del 17 al 28 de junio.
15 juin 2013

ROM-ACT kick-off meeting: insight of the roma people's life in Catalonia Francesca Operti. From the 16th to the 17th May 2013, EAEA participated in the kick-off meeting of ROM-ACT, a project which aims at widening access to non-formal and informal learning validation system among Roma women in Europe in order to strengthen their educational, social, and labour inclusion.
The meeting took place in Barcelona and was the occasion to discuss the activity-plan of the project; to get know the other projects´ partners and their institutions; and to have an insight of the roma people´s life in Catalonia. Instrumental for that was the meeting with meeting with some roma organization representatives from the neighbourhood of La Mina, a peripheral and poor district of the city where around 4,000 roma people live. Rom-Act, through the upcoming activities and results, wants to improve also their condition:
- We are sure that this project will contribute to improve the situation of the Roma community in Europe, and especially the situation of Roma women, explains Ana Contreras Fernandez, President of the Romani Association of Women Drom Kotar Mestipen.
- Hundreds of Roma women dreamed about this project during the I International Roma Women Congress, which was held in Barcelona in 2010 and brought together more than 300 Roma women from all over Europe, she continues.
Follow the developments of this innovative project in the dedicated page on EAEA website! Read more...

19 mai 2013

Validating Non-formal and Informal Learning outside schools, universities and vocational training establishments  – both non-formal and informal learning – needs to be made visible, appropriately valued in society, and granted recognition and parity with formal learning outcomes. Two important milestones in this process are the 2009 European guidelines on validating non-formal and informal learning and the European Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning of 20 December 2012. In addition, the European Inventory on the validation of non-formal and informal learning charts progress in individual countries.
On 9 and 10 April, a seminar was organised by the European Commission, together with the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) and in association with the Irish Presidency of the European Union with the aim of gathering inputs to support the first review of the 2009 European guidelines which is planned for Spring 2014. The themes addressed in the form of workshops at the seminar provided invaluable inputs for implementing UNESCO’s own Guidelines on the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation (RVA) of the Outcomes from Non-formal and Informal Learning (UIL, 2012). UIL will continue its cooperation with CEDEFOP in future,  particularly in regard to UIL’s forthcoming online RVA Observatory on recognition practices world-wide. PowerPoint presentations from the workshops:
Workshop one – Access and Use of Validation
Workshop two – Professionalism of Practitioners.
Workshop three – Assessment and Methods.
Workshop four – Quality Assurance.
Plenary recommendations (pdf)

14 avril 2013

Les compétences acquises dans le cadre non formel: questions pour l’entreprise, questions pour l’école ?"Les compétences acquises dans le cadre non formel: questions pour l’entreprise, questions pour l’école ?"
Entreprises et acteurs éducatifs réunis pour débattre sur la notion de compétences
Á l’occasion de la parution du Jeunesses: études et synthèses n°12 intitulé « La notion de compétences: clarifier le concept, en mesurer les enjeux », l’Injep organise une conférence-débat le mercredi 10 avril à 17h à Paris (9e).
L’approche par compétence s’est d’abord imposée dans le monde de l’entreprise. L’école s’y intéresse et a mis en place un socle commun de compétences que chaque enfant doit acquérir dans le cadre de son cursus scolaire. Dans le secteur de l’éducation non formelle, c’est-à-dire du développement d’activités à finalité éducatrice en dehors du cadre scolaire, il a d’abord été posé à travers la question de la validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE) mais aussi du Youth Pass (passeport de compétence mis en place dans le cadre du programme européen « Jeunesse en action » administré en France par l’Injep). Cette approche a été aujourd’hui intégrée et suivie par l’Union européenne qui lançait l’Europass dès 2004.
Au-delà des convergences, tous ces acteurs n’ont pas forcément la même approche de la notion de compétence, et ne donnent pas le même sens et la même finalité à ce mot. L’entreprise n’est pas toujours reconnue comme acteur éducatif, l’éducation nationale reste très attachée aux approches par discipline et les acteurs de l’éducation non formelle et de l’éducation populaire entendent encore autrement la notion de compétence.
L’Injep a engagé un travail de clarification autour de toutes ces questions et plus particulièrement de l’acquisition de compétences dans le cadre non formel et associatif. Ce travail a été mené avec des acteurs de l’éducation populaire ainsi que des collectivités. Il a fait l’objet d’une première synthèse avec le numéro 12 du Jeunesses: études et synthèses. Au travers cette conférence, il s’agit de mettre cette notion en débat avec des acteurs de l’entreprise et de l’école.
Au programme

    Olivier Toche, directeur de l’Injep
    Delphine Lalu, directrice de la RSE et des Fondations, AG2R La Mondiale
    Elise Renaudin, directrice déléguée de l’AFEV
    Coline Vanneroy, directrice générale d’ANIMAFAC

    Régis Cortesero, chargé d’études et de recherche à l’Injep
    François Humblot, Conseil en recrutement, Grant Alexander Executive Search et Président de Syntec Etudes & Conseil et administrateur de Syntec Conseil en Recrutement
    Jean-Michel Zakhartchouk, membre du comité de rédaction de la revue « Les Cahiers Pédagogiques » , professeur agrégé de lettres modernes, enseignant en ZEP, auteur de l’ouvrage « Travail par compétences et socle commun » au Sceren

    Claire Nacher, chargée de l’insertion professionnelle des diplômés à l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3
    Taoufec N’Hiri, de Mozaïk RH, cabinet de recrutement et conseil en ressources humaines
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Téléchargez l’invitation. "Na scileanna a fuarthas i gcúinsí neamhfhoirmeálta: ceisteanna gnó, saincheisteanna do scoil?"
Gairmithe gnó agus oideachais le chéile chun plé a dhéanamh ar choincheap na inniúlachta. Níos mó...
14 avril 2013

A songwriter turned an author on adult education

European Association for Education of AdultsGENERATION NEXT. Swedish author and adult education organiser Thor Rutgersson is not afraid to seize opportunities.
Thor Rutgersson
, 30, is a writer on adult education, whose themes range from study guides to theories and ideas about the future of non-formal adult education. At the moment he works as an Activity Developer in the Workers´ Educational Association (Arbetaras Bildningsförbund, ABF). His duties include planning and organising learning activities for the Association´s member organisations. Read more...
7 avril 2013

The e-journal RUSC: Formal, non-formal and informal education

EucenThe e-journal RUSC marks its 10th anniversary with a dossier on the informalization of education
Information and communication technology (ICT) has led to the creation of new scenarios that go beyond the limits of “formal” and “institutional” education and open new paths towards a more collaborative transmission of knowledge. In this issue, dedicated to the “Informalization of education”, the UOC journal RUSC marks its tenth anniversary and enters a new stage in which it will be jointly published with the University of New England (Australia).
Formal, non-formal and informal education is the main topic of the latest issue of RUSC, Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, a leading publication in the field of e-learning and the knowledge society. Coordinated by Albert Sangrà, director of the UOC’s eLearn Center, and Steve Wheeler, of the University of Plymouth (United Kingdom), the dossier includes articles by researchers from around the world that examine issues such as collaborative knowledge, open educational resources and teacher training.
Shared knowledge: One example of informal education is knowledge exchange amongst members of a virtual network or physical community. In her article, Josianne Basque, lecturer at a distance-learning university in Quebec, discusses a pioneering experience in academia in which group mentoring sessions were organized amongst academic staff.
Open educational resources: Open educational resources are quality educational resources that are distributed freely on the Internet. The second article in the dossier, by Tony Coughlan and Leigh-Anne Perryman, researchers at the Open University in the United Kingdom, advocates the need to promote the distribution of such resources in professional communities outside academia. Similarly, in his article, Professor Don Olcott of the Higher Colleges of Technology in the United Arab Emirates examines the importance of open resources for the transmission of knowledge and skills in marginal and disadvantaged communities.
Teacher training: In a changing and complex educational context with increasingly porous boundaries, teachers must also engage in continuous training to attain the professional skills they need to navigate new contexts. In his article, José Tejada Fernández (Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB) proposes a continuous, comprehensive, collaborative, praxis-based model of training.
Other content: The latest issue of RUSC also contains research articles on topics such as e-dossiers for group work, innovation at Latin American universities and the use of hypertext tools in teacher training.
Ten years of RUSC: This issue marks the tenth anniversary of the e-journal RUSC, Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento. The journal was launched to promote and disseminate scientific studies in the field of e-learning in an open, online format. Today RUSC is an established journal, listed in the most important citation indices and scientific databases, including SCOPUS (Elsevier), Educational Research Complete (EBSCO), InRecs, MIAR (ICDS 9,454), Carhus Plus, DOAJ, the Latindex catalogue, Redalyc and e-Revistas (CINDOC-CSIC), among others. This issue is also the first one published under the joint publication agreement signed with the University of New England (UNE) of Australia and DeHub, the UNE’s centre for quality studies in e-learning. Likewise, the UOC’s eLearn Centre is now a member of the journal’s editorial board.
Highlights: The journal currently has nearly 2,000 registered subscribers. In 2012, it received 65,930 hits from 43,530 users. In the same period, 20,008 full-text copies of articles were downloaded (in PDF format).
7 avril 2013

Win a trip to Brussels with OBSERVAL-Net! - "Validation of non-normal and informal learning"

The OBSERVAL-Net project is collecting Case Studies in "Validation of non-normal and informal learning". The best works will have the chance to win the 2013 Validation Prize given to 3 different categories. All the finalists will be invited to Brussels (flights and accommodation covered) to attend the Final OBSERVAL-Net Dissemination Event.

The 2013 Validation awards aims to:
  • Showcase the best VNIL practices
  • Highlight the excellence of existing projects
  • Spread the awareness about VNIL initiatives among professionals in this area
  • Help citizens eager to have their learning outcomes and skills recognised and validated

By highlighting and publishing best practices in the area of VNIL, the Validation Prize contributes to changing society's mentality in the education and employment sectors towards the recognition that learning can also take place outside the formal structures and produce valid learning outcomes.
The 2013 Validation awards focuses on three distinct categories:

  1. The Bottom-Up Approach - the role of grassroots initiatives in supporting VNIL, and strategies towards their mainstreaming
  2. The New Profession - the competence profile required for VNIL professionals
  3. Work-Based Competence Development and Recognition - the implementation of VNIL in the workplace


Target group
Trade unions, companies, sectoral/branch organisations, training funds, professional groups or individual workers, NGOs, VET schools, universities, public authorities, institutions of LLL, civil society organisations, social partners, VNIL professionals and researchers are invited to submit their best cases in one or more of the three categories using the Case Study template.
Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Innovation: Points to consider under this criteria concern changes wholly or partly initiated by VNIL in relation to processes or learning/working culture, innovative ways of engaging main actors who become ‘change agents’ or new solutions regarding the embedding of VNIL into legal frameworks or existing structures
  2. Impact: The case studies should provide qualitative and/or quantitative evidence of their impact in terms of results, changes in processes, impact on the organisation, impact on the involved individuals, etc
  3. Sustainability: It will be assessed how the processes and impact of the case studies are sustained and/or how they are integrated into existing structures or processes
  4. Transferability of the case: The elements of the case study that can be an appealing example to possibly other cases and/or the main learning points should be outlined in response to this criterion
  5. European added value: This criterion looks at the overarching value to learning and working within the European area of the case study
  6. Diversity of actors and stakeholders in VNIL: The case study should explain who are the different actors and/or stakeholders involved in the case and their roles and tasks.

Deadline for submission  26 April 2013
Download the Case study template here and send it to
You can read more about the Validation Prize dowloading the full leaflet here
What do I win if my case study is selected?

  • Up to three nominees for each of the three categories will have free travel and accommodation in Brussels 15 October 2013, for the Final Event and Award Ceremony
  • Representative award

Why should I participate in the Validation Prize?

  • By presenting your best practices, you are showing appraisal and valuation to your employees and all actors involved in the VNIL best practice
  • The best practices will be showcased in a special section of the Observatory
  • The three nominees for each of the three categories will be officially invited to the Final Award Ceremony at the end of October 2013, and their travel and subsistence costs will be covered
  • Contributing with your case study to the Observatory will be an opportunity to exchange experience and share practices with other VNIL professionals across Europe
  • The winners in each of the three categories will receive a representative award
  • Participation is free, easy and straight-forward.
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