EUCEN - Current Projects
Project 539519-LLP-1-2013-1-BE-ERASMUS-ESIN. COMMIT intends to increase commitment to the social dimension of higher education and support strategies for increasing attainment. The project builds on the work of a previous project – ALLUME – which developed 3 self evaluation tools for universities to review their strategy for implementation of a comprehensive and coherent LLL university. This COMMIT project will review those 3 tools, refining and adapting them and adding new features which take on board a wider and clearer idea of the social dimension of HE; it will also design and develop a new tool for monitoring attainment in HE and integrate these tools in HEIs management systems.
Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation. Submission ID 542692. This project coordinated by the University of Helsinki -Ruralia Institute- will focus on transferring and further developing organisational innovations in the VET sector. The existing good practices for SME-VET-HE/R knowledge chain together with selected models will be piloted in the nature-based entrepreneurship (NBE) sector in 5 countries and based on the pilots long term co-operation plans made. In each country the aim is to form "a trinity" VET-SMEs-HE/R to carry out the piloting.
Project 543097-LLP-1-2013-1-PT-KA3-KA3MP. This project coordinated by the University of Porto intends to provide a practical tool to suggest an adequate e-assessment strategy. EUCEN's role will be connected to the Exploitation of the project and also to Dissemination.
Project 543137-LLP-1-2013-1-AT-KA4-KA4MP. This project coordinated by dieBerater seeks to establish a platform for the partners from projects to share, develop and disseminate existing project support products. EUCEN's role would be mainly linked to the Dissemination package in this project.
Project 544047-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-GE-TEMPUS-JPGR. The main aim of this project coordinated by the David Tvildiani Medical University (Georgia) is to successfully transfer existing knowledge funded by the EU for project developers in the Caucasus Region and sharing experience of EU-universities in project development. EUCEN will co-lead the Dissemination package of this project.
Project 544405-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AT-TEMPUS-SMHES. This project coordinated by the University of Krems intends to build capacity in VNIL in Russian HEIs in line with the EU2020 strategy. EUCEN will co-lead the Dissemination package, including the co-organisation of the final conference of this project. More...