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28 août 2010

The integration of non-formal adult learning in NQFs

The integration of non-formal adult learning in National Qualification Frameworks (NQFs). Draft Programme.
EAEA/NVL Conference 2010, 25/26 November 2010, Brussels, Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre.
The conference will start at 1 pm on 25 November 2010 and end at 4 pm on 26 November 2010. Please explore the possibility to get funding through the Grundtvig Study visits and exchanges.
Dear colleagues, EAEA and NVL have the great pleasure to invite you to the conference on The integration of nonformal adult learning in National Qualification Frameworks on 25/26 November in Brussels.
We have chosen this topic because we think there is:
a. a need for more information on this topic and
b. a need to discuss possible civil society approaches to this topic and which role NGOs can play.
Please note that until 26 September, only EAEA and NVL members can register. On 27 September, we will open the registration to the general public, so do make sure to register in time!
Once you have registered, please wait for our confirmation before booking your transportation. With the confirmation, you will receive a hotel booking form and more information about the venue.
28 août 2010


European Association for Education of Adults8-10 October 2010, Minsk, Belarus. The aim of the III Festival of non-formal education is to demonstrate the contribution of non-formal education in the improvement of quality of life. The goals of the Festival 2010 are:
1. to present non-formal education as a system that ensures the lifelong development of social, civic, professional skills and creative abilities of a person;
2. to present a variety of programs (for youth, elderly people, rural residents, people with disabilities, families, women, men, professional groups, non-governmental organizations, etc.).
3. to promote exchange of experiences and establishment of partnership relations;
4. to discuss trends and strategies of the development of non-formal education as an instrument for the improvement of quality of life in Belarus and abroad.
1. Requirements and order of the society and state for non-formal education name of participant
2. Lifelong learning: legal ensuring and financing name of participant
3. International cooperation: challenges and prospects name of participant
4. Innovations and technologies in non-formal education name of participant
5. Climate change: new challenges for education
During three Festival days the following activities will take place:

    * presentation of the variety of educational programs and projects;
    * master classes performed by the best educators;
    * creative contests;
    * discussions on topical issues of development of non-formal education in our country and abroad;
    * interesting cultural program;
    * meeting potential partners for realization of your own initiatives.
Special issue of non-formal education magazine «Adukatar» will be published before the Festival. It will contain main papers, reports and presentations, planned for plenary meetings, sections, round tables and workshops. Please, provide papers in electronic form before the 10th of September, 2010 via e-mail
Please, send your e-APPLICATION FORM by this link.
26 août 2009

European guidelines for validating non‑formal and informal learning

This publication, european guidelines for validating non‑formal and informal learning, presents the conclusions of more than two years of intensive exchange of experiences - involving representatives from more than 20 European countries
The main objective is to make the outcomes of this common learning process available to a wider audience to support further development of validation of non-formal and informal learning at European, national and local levels.
These guidelines, while inspired by the common European principles on identifying and validating non-formal and informal learning adopted by the European Council in 2004, are not a policy framework approved by a law-making body: they are a practical tool, providing expert advice to be applied on a purely voluntary basis.
Their impact relies exclusively on their relevance and ability to add value at national or local levels. European guidelines for validating non‑formal and informal learning.
13 août 2008

The Greek challenge in work-based learning

Work-based learning is generated, controlled and used within a community of practice and brings new understanding to pedagogical principles as the role of worker becomes also that of learner. This paper presents a series of opportunities of this type of learning, which even enables students to work at a distance, using open-learning techniques, as self-managed learners in their work-related context. The author analyses the legitimacy of work-based knowledge in a higher education setting: this is crucial in understanding the differences and similarities both within the field of work-based learning itself and between work-based learning and more conventional educational programmes. Finally, a method of facilitating and managing such work- based learning in universities is presented.
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