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645 millions, c’est le nombre d’Africains qui n’ont pas d’accès à une source d’électricité. Et ce chiffre continuera mécaniquement d’augmenter du fait d’une croissance démographique supérieure aux nouvelles capacités de production d’électricité. Afin de répondre aux besoins futurs de ces habitants, le développement rapide de la production d’électricité est indispensable. Plus...
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Various authors[Edit][Delete]: LearnServe Ethiopia 2006, June 30, 2006
This is one of those examples you really like to see. In this blog, the entries, "all written by students, describe the experiences of LearnServe Ethiopia âx" a group of 17 high school students and 12 teachers from DC-area public and private schools âx" as they experience Ethiopia in the summer of 2006". More...
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) presented its work to the Permanent Delegates of African Member States at UNESCO in Paris today. More...
The situation in the Sahel is concerning as community conflicts add to existing security, humanitarian and development challenges. What is now at hand is an emergency requiring the Sahel countries to respond with a sense of urgency. More...