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5 mai 2019

South Africa’s main parties all have plans for education. What’s missing?

The ConversationSince South Africa’s shift from apartheid to democracy in 1994 there have been many achievements in the education sector. These include establishing a single education system that caters to all children, improved access, and support for the poor through no-fee schools. More...
5 mai 2019

Nigerian universities are suffering from neglect. Why this should stop

The ConversationThe level of funding of the education sector has been recognised as one of the major factors that contribute to quality education. This, in turn, determines growth and development of a country. It’s also been acknowledged that quality education determines the success in achieving the sustainable development goals. More...
5 mai 2019

The old ways of reintegrating young veterans need to be abandoned

The ConversationAccordingly, unlucky former child soldiers find themselves stuck in a cycle of war. This has been the case in Sudan, and Angola as well. Liberia is no exception. A former Liberian child soldier alluded to his struggles to reintegrate, saying “we were soldiers. Now we are parasites”. This is partly because researched suggestions for proper reintegration are not incorporated. It’s also due to traditional humanitarian practices which ignore alternative reintegration measures. More...
28 avril 2019

Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine : bientôt une entrée en vigueur ?

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceLa ratification par la Gambie le 2 avril dernier de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECA) a permis à ce projet phare de l'Agenda 2063 de l'Union africaine (UA) de passer le cap des 22 pays nécessaires pour son entrée en vigueur. La ZLECA sera officiellement adoptée au Sommet de l'UA qui se tiendra à Niamey en juillet prochain. Plus...

28 avril 2019

La rue soudanaise défie ses dirigeants

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceLes jeunes gens qui manifestent de jour comme de nuit depuis quatre mois dans les rues de Khartoum et dans les grandes villes du Soudan n’ont connu que lui : Omar el-Béchir. Après avoir régné sur son pays pendant 30 années, l’ancien président soudanais, visé depuis une décennie par deux mandats de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), notamment pour crimes de guerre et génocide, a été défait par ses frères d’armes jeudi 11 avril dernier. Plus...

22 avril 2019

Contraceptive use in Nigeria is incredibly low. A lack of knowledge may be why

The ConversationThe importance of family planning in addressing a range of challenges in developing countries is now widely accepted. Family planning is a key factor in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. More...
22 avril 2019

What needs to be done to keep child marriages trending down

The ConversationThe broader African and international lobby against child marriage and other harmful traditional practices has grown tremendously in recent years. Its political clout is being felt right down to the grassroots level with positive outcomes. More...
21 avril 2019

Fighting fire with fire is unlikely to stem Kenya student unrest

The ConversationOngoing student unrest in Kenya has seen at least 100 schools set alight. Many have been closed, with 6,000 students thought to have been sent home early in the process. The shocking acts of destruction of school and student property have led the country to seek answers for the causes of this delinquent behaviour. More...
21 avril 2019

A burning question: why are Kenyan students setting fire to their schools?

The ConversationOver the past few years, students have set fire to hundreds of secondary schools across Kenya. The tally includes more than 120 cases in 2016 alone. Why students are setting fire to their schools has been the topic of repeated investigations by police, education officials, government inquiries and journalists. More...
21 avril 2019

Steering South Africa’s budget between excess patronage and prudence

The ConversationAfter investigating the “massacre” (as termed by both the opposition Democratic Alliance and African National Congress Youth League) of more than 100 mental health patients under the guise of cutting costs, South Africa’s Health Ombudsman Malegapuru Makgoba advised that a “sufficient budget should be allocated for the implementation” of proper care. More...
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