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21 avril 2019

Ethiopia can convert its youth bulge from a political problem into an opportunity

The ConversationEthiopia’s youth has come under the spotlight recently for their role in a political protest that is seen to be threatening stability. But Ethiopia’s youth bulge doesn’t need to be a political problem. It can be converted to an economic muscle. More...
11 avril 2019

Erythrée-Ethiopie : à qui profite la "paix éclair" ?

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceL’accord a de sérieuses chances d’être durable parce qu’il est dans l’intérêt de chacune des parties. Côté éthiopien, il présente un intérêt économique évident, moins pour l’accès au marché érythréen qui est modeste que pour l’accès à ses ports. Plus...

9 avril 2019

South African National Curriculum Wiki

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. South African National Curriculum Wiki
Will Richardson reports on this remarkable wiki, a website containing pages for each subject area in each class for the South African grades 10-12 curriculum. More...

6 avril 2019

Le projet de loi sur l'Economie sociale avance au Parlement du Cameroun

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Après avoir été débattu à l'Assemblée Nationale, le projet de loi-cadre sur l'économie sociale au Cameroun N°1045 va être à l'ordre du jour du Sénat. Plus...

3 avril 2019

Fixing South Africa’s public schools: lessons from a small-town university

The ConversationThere is starkly unequal access to quality education. Most children attend dysfunctional no-fee paying public schools. Statistics show that fewer than one in ten black learners from no-fee paying schools leave with a good quality matric (the final year of high school) pass – the kind that would provide access to university. More...

3 avril 2019

Education in Nigeria is in a mess from top to bottom. Five things can fix it

The ConversationNigeria’s education system is based on the (1)-6-3-3-4 formula: one year pre-primary education, six years primary, three years junior secondary, three years senior secondary, and a minimum of four years tertiary education. More...
26 mars 2019

Nigeria: How Policy Somersaults, Corruption, Indiscipline Plague Public Schools, By Educationists

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Nigeria: How Policy Somersaults, Corruption, Indiscipline Plague Public Schools, By Educationists
Ujunwa Atueyi, allAfrica, 2014/10/10
I can't reconcile the hadline with the story, which is about Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Massive Oppen Online Courses (MOOCs) in Nigeria. More...

13 mars 2019

A new wave of educational efforts across Africa exploring the use of ICTs

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A new wave of educational efforts across Africa exploring the use of ICTs
Michael Trucano, EduTech, April 11, 2013
An update on e-learning initiatives in Africa. Includes this bit: "A low-cost, pay-as-you-go model is at the heart of many of the innovative business models 2iE is pursuing. By breaking payments into small pieces, and not requiring that (for example) a student pay an entire semester's tuition. ...  'An African solution for the Africa economy' is how 2iE describes this approach, which is labels the taxi model ('taxi-brousse'). More...

3 mars 2019

South African students are protesting – again. Why it needn’t be this way

The ConversationIt’s the beginning of South Africa’s academic year and once again, campuses have been brought to a standstill by students protesting against a host of issues that have plagued the country’s universities. These include registration fees, student accommodation, food and other issues, compounded by the inefficiency of the country’s student financial aid scheme. More...
3 mars 2019

South African president’s education plans don’t quite make the grade

The ConversationSouth African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation Address, delivered in Cape Town on February 7, has attracted a fair amount of praise. But while the speech scored an A for its vision and plan for economic renewal, it scored an F for education. More...
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