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4 avril 2016

Investigating perceived barriers to the use of open educational resources in higher education in Tanzania

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThe past few years have seen increasingly rapid development and use of open educational resources (OER) in higher education institutions (HEIs) in developing countries. These resources are believed to be able to widen access, reduce the costs, and improve the quality of education. However, there exist several challenges that hinder the adoption and use of these resources. More...

4 avril 2016

Challenges and instructors’ intention to adopt and use open educational resources in higher education in Tanzania

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningHigher education in Tanzania like in many other Sub-Saharan countries suffers from unavailability of quality teaching and learning resources due to lack of tradition, competence, and experience to develop such resources. Nevertheless, there are thousands of open educational resources (OER) freely available in the public domain that can potentially improve the quality of existing resources or help to develop new courses. More...

4 avril 2016

Cape Town to change contested names of key buildings

The University of Cape Town has invited students, staff and the wider university community to contribute views on whether contested names of some key campus buildings and spaces should change – and to what – in order to tackle “the issue of whom and what we honour”. Read more...

4 avril 2016

Minister approves infrastructure funds to universities

The Department of Higher Education and Training has allocated R1.9 billion (US$129 million) towards improving the infrastructure, student housing and maintenance, among other things, at 24 state-owned universities, reports SA News. Read more...

4 avril 2016

Kenya and South Africa in joint research call

By Maina Waruru. The governments of Kenya and South Africa have invited applications for joint research from scholars in the two countries. There will be R4 million (US$272,000) in funding available under a joint scientific and technological collaboration founded in 2004. Read more...

4 avril 2016

Rwanda takes long view to invest in African science

By Papias Musafiri. The Next Einstein Forum, or NEF, Global Gathering that took place in Senegal last month brought together African and global leaders from science, industry, civil society and government. The aim was to create “a unified African scientific identity integrated into the global scientific community and to inspire talented young people to pursue science”. Read more...

4 avril 2016

African higher education development – Competing visions

By Deren Temel. From 2002 to 2013, only 2.7% of international aid supported higher education in developing countries (Childs 2015). Given the knowledge economy’s thirst for skills, the societal benefits and global policy frameworks that support higher education funding, we are left wondering why higher education received so little support. Read more...

4 avril 2016

New higher education and research facilities for south

By Jane Marshall. Senegal has announced that a new human and social sciences education and research unit will open next year in Kolda in the south. Read more...

4 avril 2016

Expansion of medical degrees starts to bear fruit

By Kaci Racelma. Mauritania has produced its first medical graduates trained within the country rather than abroad. Medical higher education has been expanded and new facilities built in the impoverished northwest African country that is largely desert. Read more...

4 avril 2016

President apologises for sacking of 13 vice-chancellors

By Tunde Fatunde. Following a barrage of criticism laced with threats of lawsuits, President Muhammadu Buhari has apologised for the firing of 13 vice-chancellors of public universities. The apology is unprecedented in the annals of Nigerian higher education – as was February’s mass sacking. Read more...

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