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15 octobre 2018

HE lending agencies call for protective legislation

By Joy Ndovi. Calls have intensified for African governments to establish legislation to help financing agencies recoup outstanding student loans, in light of the increasing number of defaults being experienced in the higher education sector. More...
13 octobre 2018

Combattre l’isolement social et la mystification de l’autisme en Afrique

logoL’autisme est un trouble développemental débutant avant l’âge de 3 ans et peut toucher tous les enfants, sans distinction de sexe ni de classe sociale. Il affecte simultanément les interactions sociales[1], la communication et le comportement avec des gestes répétitifs, stéréotypés, des rituels, des intérêts restreints. C’est la forme la plus typique et la plus complète des Troubles Envahissants du Développement (TED), qui peut durer toute la vie. Plus...

13 octobre 2018

Le système éducatif de l’Ile Maurice, reflet de son économie performante ?

logoL’île Maurice, petite ile au large de Madagascar d’à peine 1,3 million d’habitants, occupe

  • la tête du classement 2018[1] Doing Business de la Banque mondiale,
  • la tête de l’indice  Ibrahim  de  la  meilleure  gouvernance  des  pays  africains, « Best Tax Efficient Country To live In »[2], et
  • la deuxième place au classement des Nations unies, selon l’indice de développement humain, juste derrière[3] les Seychelles.

Sa stabilité économique, politique[4] et son bilinguisme rassurent et attirent les étrangers[5] et investisseurs du monde entier, et les millionnaires africains y deviennent encore plus riches. Plus...

13 octobre 2018

Comment limiter l’inadéquation professionnelle sur les marchés urbains du travail en Afrique

logoLa présence d’une main d’œuvre qualifiée est l’une des conditions pour la croissance des entreprises. En Afrique, plus de 200 millions de pesonnes sont âgées de 15 à 24 ans. La moitié d’entre eux n’ont pas de travail mais constitue d’après le BIT[1], la tranche en âge de travailler. Plus...

8 octobre 2018

Call for more research resources

As the University of Lomé prepared to host the international science conference JSIL-2018 (Journées Scientifiques Internationales de Lomé 2018) in the coming week, its director of research and innovation, Essohana Batchana, said he regretted the lack of resources allocated to research and innovation and their absence from university programmes. More...
8 octobre 2018

Students to be linked to cyberspace

As Cameroon carries out a programme to develop advanced digital infrastructure in all its universities, Jacques Fame Ndongo, the minister for higher education, visited the two universities in Yaoundé to inspect the project’s progress. More...
8 octobre 2018

Increasing HE enrolment and implications for quality

By Patrick Swanzy. Sub-Saharan Africa is under increasing pressure to increase enrolment at higher education institutions as a result of recognition of the sector as being vital to development, rapid growth in young populations in African countries and improved access and success at school levels. But what are the implications of such pressures for quality of teaching and learning. More...
8 octobre 2018

4IR – The key to our future on Earth, and beyond?

By Sharon Dell. If universities exist in part to solve the most pressing problems of our time, they have their work cut out for them. The reality is that if humans maintain their current rate of consumption, which already exceeds the capacity of Earth to renew itself, we will soon need two planets to live off, National University of Singapore mechanical engineering professor and circular economy guru Seeram Ramakrishna told the annual South African Technology Network (SATN) Conference held in Durban, South Africa, last month, which explored the role of universities in the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). More...
8 octobre 2018

Call to increase ICT research funding at universities

By Rodrigue Rwirahira. Rwandan universities have called for extensive funding to research how information and communications technology (ICT), including mobile phones and the internet, could be leveraged to benefit ordinary users in various sectors. More...
8 octobre 2018

Africa vs rest of world in lively digital revolution debate

By Wachira Kigotho. “This house believes Africa has nothing to fear from a fourth industrial revolution and should seize the opportunity it represents,” was the motion of a highly contested debate at the 13th International Conference and Exhibition on ICT for Education, Training and Skills Development in Kigali, Rwanda, on 28 September. More...
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