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14 avril 2017

Academic union calls for action on university funding

The Academic Staff Union of Universities has called on the National Assembly to address the issue of low funding of the education sector in the country, reports the News Agency of Nigeria. More...

14 avril 2017

Private higher education institutions set up association

The Association Camerounaise des Instituts Privés de l’Enseignement Supérieur (Cameroonian Association of Private Higher Education Institutes), or ACIPES, was launched in Douala by about 30 promoters from towns including N’Gaoundéré, Bafoussam, Dschang, Yaoundé, Nkongsamba, Douala, Mbalmayo and Ebolowa, reported of Brussels. More...

14 avril 2017

University chiefs call for reforms in ‘decaying’ sector

By Tunde Fatunde. Greater university autonomy, credible appointments to governing councils, integrity tests for prospective vice-chancellors, and a holistic overhaul to stem systemic decay topped the list of recommendations contained in a strongly-worded statement released at the close of the recent third biennial conference of the Committee of Pro-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities. More...

14 avril 2017

Call to end government research investment 'inertia'

By Francis Kokutse. African governments need to invest heavily in research in order to provide solutions to improve the lives of its people, Ghana’s President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo said at the recent launch of the African Research Universities Alliance, or ARUA. More...

14 avril 2017

Facing up to the challenge of scholarship in Africa

By Elísio Macamo. Decolonising the mind – and the university – requires African scholars not to reject Western thinkers like Kant and Hegel but to go beyond them and push the frontiers of knowledge further. More...

14 avril 2017

ADEA triennale agrees to revitalisation of education

By Jane Marshall. Representatives from 28 African countries pledged to revitalise and transform their education systems for growth and sustainable development on the continent, at the 2017 Triennale of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa, or ADEA. More...

14 avril 2017

Science partnership to support SDG urbanisation research

By Kudzai Mashininga. The International Council for Science or ICSU, in partnership with the International Social Science Council, or ISSC, and the Network of African Science Academies or NASAC, has announced that it will support 10 collaborative research projects across Africa to the value of €90,000 (US$96,000) each over two years. More...

14 avril 2017

Ministry demands greater accountability from universities

By Jackie Opara. The government has introduced new accountability measures for Nigerian universities following corruption allegations against vice-chancellors of some of the country’s universities, allegations that have already prompted the suspension of discretionary funding from government. More...

14 avril 2017

South Africa’s student funding scheme should be strengthened

The ConversationIn mid-December 2016, the South African Minister of Higher Education and Training released the report of a ministerial task team set up to investigate student funding for those who can’t afford higher education. More...
14 avril 2017

Why the new education curriculum is a triumph for Kenya’s children

The ConversationEvery child and parent in Kenya knows all too well that grades matter. During the final year of primary school, pupils sit to write a nationally administered exam that determines their progression to secondary school. Children have to attain high grades in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) to secure places in the best secondary schools – public or private. More...
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