Threat to deregister universities not doing research

Kenya—Thousands of refugee students here have been boycotting their classes to protest against the Kenyan government’s move to replace refugee teachers with state-registered native educators. More...
More than 1.1 billion people in developing countries lack access to electricity. Some 590 million live in Africa, where the rural electrification rate is particularly low at only 14%. More...
“Weak governance” is a popular scapegoat for the poor results achieved by South Africa’s education system. And there is no doubt that many aspects of how the education bureaucracy operates are problematic. More...
The Global Book Alliance (GBA), which promotes the development of mother-tongue reading materials, held its first regional workshop in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 22 to 25 January 2018. Representatives from one lusophone, 10 francophone and 10 anglophone countries in Africa gathered to learn more about the GBA and the importance of improving national book policies. More...