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3 avril 2018

Threat to deregister universities not doing research

Higher Education Minister Nkandu Luo says both public and private universities must prioritise research activities as they are a cornerstone of academia, and has threatened to deregister universities not doing research work to college level, reports More...
3 avril 2018

Staff cuts loom as universities adopt new funding model

Public universities should consider sacking some of their workers to cope with reduced funding, according to the National Treasury. This was part of proposed austerity measures as the government implements a new funding formula that has substantially reduced capitation for universities, writes Augustine Oduor for the Standard Digital. More...
31 mars 2018

Kenya’s Changes in Refugee Schools Lead to Boycotts

Al Fanar

Kenya—Thousands of refugee students here have been boycotting their classes to protest against the Kenyan government’s move to replace refugee teachers with state-registered native educators. More...

27 mars 2018

How electricity changes lives: a Rwandan case study

The ConversationMore than 1.1 billion people in developing countries lack access to electricity. Some 590 million live in Africa, where the rural electrification rate is particularly low at only 14%. More...

26 mars 2018

Active citizens for better schooling: what Kenya’s history can teach South Africa

The Conversation“Weak governance” is a popular scapegoat for the poor results achieved by South Africa’s education system. And there is no doubt that many aspects of how the education bureaucracy operates are problematic. More...

19 mars 2018

Cash crunch – Universities struggle to stay afloat

During a meeting with the Senate Education Committee it emerged that with the decline in the number of self-sponsored students and the introduction since last year of funding of universities based on courses offered, most of the public higher education institutions are struggling to remain afloat, writes Ouma Wanzala for Daily Nation. More...
19 mars 2018

The case for an Ethiopian research university

By Ayenachew A Woldegiyorgis. Should developing countries dedicate their resources and energy towards building excellence-oriented research universities or towards creating a mass system through widening access to higher education and training. More...
19 mars 2018

No more ‘lipstick solutions’, say students

By Tonderayi Mukeredzi. Higher and tertiary education students have warned the government that they will shut down campuses if authorities continue to ignore the plight of students and infrastructural challenges afflicting institutions of higher learning. More...
16 mars 2018

Former UIL Scholar celebrates progress on improving national book policies in Africa

The Global Book Alliance (GBA), which promotes the development of mother-tongue reading materials, held its first regional workshop in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 22 to 25 January 2018. Representatives from one lusophone, 10 francophone and 10 anglophone countries in Africa gathered to learn more about the GBA and the importance of improving national book policies. More...

16 mars 2018

Government to build technology hubs in universities

The federal government has revealed its plan to build technology hubs in Nigerian universities across the nation’s six geopolitical zones as a means of promoting science and technology development in the country, writes Fikayo Olowolagba for the Daily PostMore...
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