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9 février 2018

US$200 million sought for university hostel expansion

By Gilbert Nganga. The Kenyan government has asked foreign and local private investors for more than US$200 million to build hostels at three public universities this year. More...
5 février 2018

Paul Kagamé, "l’homme fort" de Kigali, fera-t-il de l’Union africaine une "institution forte" ?

Des sentiments ambivalents. Voilà ce que suscite Paul Kagamé, le président du Rwanda, qui vient de prendre officiellement la tête de l’Union africaine à l’occasion de son 30ème sommet ordinaire, les 28 et 29 janvier à Addis-Abeba en Ethiopie. Deux décennies auront suffi à cet ancien chef militaire rebelle pour faire de ce pays de 12 millions d’habitants, logé au cœur de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs, l’un des parangons africains en matière de bonne gestion et de bonne gouvernance. Plus...

25 janvier 2018

Government orders review of university system

The federal government has named a former executive secretary of the National Universities Commission, Professor Peter Okebukola, and former chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Professor Attahiru Jega, among members of a committee appointed to review the university system in Nigeria, writes Leke Baiyewu for Punch. More...
25 janvier 2018

Science academy appeals for more Africa-based funding

By Maina Waruru. The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is appealing for contributions from African governments and the continent's private sector to help it to, among other future projects, establish regional scientific research hubs that will contribute to an increase in science output on the continent. More...
25 janvier 2018

Student interns work for no pay – A new form of slavery?

By Tonderayi Mukeredzi. The lack of regulation governing student internships, the completion of which is a mandatory component of diploma and degree studies, is leaving many desperate Zimbabwean students open to exploitation as many are working without any pay. More...
25 janvier 2018

University strike ends after four months

A four-month strike at Congo's sole public university ended last week with staff resuming work after being paid arrears for three months and agreeing to further negotiations over unpaid wages, reports AFP. More...
25 janvier 2018

‘Castells in Africa’ – Some insights for universities

By Johan Muller, Nico Cloete and François van Schalkwyk. After considering the detailed empirical pictures sketched in Chapters 6 to 9 of Castells in Africa: Universities and Development, it is sobering to return to the very first of the three chapters by Castells (Chapter 3), and to realise again how prescient it was, and how many pitfalls it anticipated. More...
25 janvier 2018

Manuel Castells – Inspiring fundamental change

By Jamil Salmi. For the past two years, the violent student protests associated with the ‘Fees Must Fall’ movement in South Africa have been a strong reminder of the unique paradox that has characterised the country’s higher education system since the end of apartheid. On the one hand, South Africa’s top universities are the most advanced in the entire continent in terms of their capacity to train doctoral students and the international visibility of their research production. More...
25 janvier 2018

The university – Decisive battlefield and source of hope

By Manuel Castells. The analyses and policies on higher education and development compiled in Castells in Africa: Universities and Development were elaborated and discussed in South Africa with the broader African context in mind. I add here a few considerations that take into account the social transformations that have taken place in the last decade in the world economy and in the global institutional environment. More...
25 janvier 2018

Provide solutions to challenges, universities told

By Tonderayi Mukeredzi. President Emmerson Mnangagwa says universities must offer productive and responsive higher education, relevant to the needs of the economy, by harnessing knowledge and skills that promote economic development through science, technology and research. More...
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