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7 novembre 2019

Namibian Schoolnet: Open Source for Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Namibian Schoolnet: Open Source for Education
"Namibia's open source based SchoolNet project provides computer labs to schools all across the country. Some are in very remote locations that are not traditionally suitable for this type of technology. It has been quite successful and has won many international awards. More...

30 octobre 2019

Young South Africans upbeat despite broken promises and poor odds

The ConversationThere is no doubt that young people in South Africa face a myriad of problems: high unemployment, poor educational outcomes, various forms of poverty, and less than ideal mental and physical health, including high rates of HIV. More...

30 octobre 2019

Parenting in Ethiopia: lessons on raising children under tough conditions

The ConversationInvestments made in early childhood last a lifetime, and the earlier in life, the greater the return, according to James Heckman who was awarded a Nobel Prize for economics. Conversely, shocks to child development also can last a lifetime. For example, children who were young at the time of the 1984 famine in Ethiopia are 5cm shorter at adulthood, have lower education and are more likely to have recently been ill. More...

22 octobre 2019

African Scientific Network

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. African Scientific Network
From the description: "African Scientific Network (ASN) is a network of African faculty members, students and colleagues, grass root African Scientific Organizations, interest groups for the development and promotion of science education and research in all disciplines including humanities. More significantly, this network is composed of the African Physics Forum, the African Naterials Research Society, the MRS-Africa Working Group, the African Mathematical Forum, the African Biotechnology Forum, African Telemedicine, African Chemistry Forum, The African Biology Forum, The African Laser Network and others". More...

18 octobre 2019

eLearning Africa 2019 du mercredi 23 au vendredi 25 octobre 2019

sup-numerique.gouv.freLearning Africa se réunit à Abidjan du 23 au 25 octobre 2019 sous le thème "Apprentissage et employabilité". Cette conférence panafricaine annuelle est consacrée à l'examen des possibilités d'utilisation des nouvelles technologies de communication dans le milieu de l'éducation. Plus...

16 octobre 2019

Nigerian Students Power Up Their Laptops

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Nigerian Students Power Up Their Laptops
This is the week that the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project begins, and as such, is a major turning point in our field - perhaps the key turning point.
Photos from CNet of Nigerian children using their XO computers. See also this special report from CNet on the OLPC project. Software to emulate the XO interface on a Mac. James O'Hagan also links to a video describing the technology of the XO. More...

13 octobre 2019

Africa is the continent of the future. Are democracy and governance up to the challenge?

Africa is the world’s youngest continent with around 60% of the population currently under age 25. Between now and 2100, basically two generations only, Africa’s youth population is expected to increase by more than 180%, while Europe’s and Asia’s will shrink by more than 21% and by almost 28%, respectively. By the end of the century, Africa’s youth population will reach 1.3 billion people, double the expected total population of Europe, and will represent almost half of the world’s youth. More...

10 octobre 2019

World Bank Head Speaks Out On Why Canada Is Needed in Africa

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. World Bank Head Speaks Out On Why Canada Is Needed in Africa
This article doesn't describe learning directly, though it is clear to me that Canada can play a role in this field as well. What the author, the president of the World Bank, stresses is that myths of African development - that "Africa is hopeless, aid to Africa is money wasted, and Africa can solve its own problems" - are no longer true. I don't know, one way or another. But I remain hopeful, and I certainly call for continued, and strengthened, Canadian investment in the future of Africa. More...

8 octobre 2019

L’Afrique du Sud, étoile académique du continent

L’Afrique du Sud truste les cinq premières places dans le palmarès des meilleures universités africaines. La couronne revient à l’université anglophone du Cap. Les pays arabes sont à la traîne. Plus...

24 septembre 2019

Burundi: 3 lycéennes emprisonnées après avoir gribouillé sur des photos du président

Les trois jeunes filles risquent jusqu’à cinq ans de prison pour outrage au chef de l’État après avoir gribouillé sur la photo du président burundais dans des livres de sciences humaines appartenant à l’école. Plus...

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