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7 septembre 2019

Most People Are Doing the Best They Can John Warner. One of the more pleasurable byproducts of the release of Why They Can’t Write and The Writer’s Practice is that I’m being asked to present at faculty development events. More...

7 septembre 2019

Dos and Don'ts in Academia and Life

What's the best advice you have ever received? Maybe there is something that a mentor told you that has stuck with you? Is there a really great quote from a book, or something your boss said in a meeting? Have you had an "aha" moment that put everything into perspective. More...

7 septembre 2019

Fall Course Prep

As summer comes to a close and we finalize our gear up for fall semester, many of us are putting the finishing touches on our fall courses. Are you teaching a new class this fall? Trying out something new? Teaching online for the first time? Exciting ideas you want to share. More...

7 septembre 2019

The Grad Activist: Why I’m Striking for Climate

Over the last year, youth around the world have gone on strike from school to demand climate action. On September 20, 2019, they have planned what they hope to be the largest global climate strike yet. And they’ve asked adults to join them. More...

7 septembre 2019

Potlucks, Strangers and Wholeness

Talk at the 2019 Interfaith Leadership Institute, Chicago, Illinois -- -Eboo Patel. More...

7 septembre 2019

What Time Away Can Mean for the Work Ahead

I began most mornings with my Ismaili Muslim prayers and a few minutes of silent meditation. I did my best to stay away from the constant drumbeat of current events and instead focus on larger themes and bigger ideas. Every time I came across the words "Donald Trump", I clicked on something else – both actually and metaphorically. More...

7 septembre 2019

'Lab Rats' and Campus Fads

By Joshua Kim. Thinking about university employment in an age of bad ideas about work. More...

7 septembre 2019

Can We Argue With 'The Value of Everything’?

By Joshua Kim. An invitation to academics to my right. More...

7 septembre 2019

‘Ludicrous’, Tesla, and Champions of Higher Ed Change

By Joshua Kim. How a well-written, unbalanced, deeply-reported, and only somewhat persuasive book about an electric car company might help us think about the future of colleges and universities. More...

7 septembre 2019

What Might We Learn from 'Talking to Robots’?

By Joshua Kim. With a theory about why academics so anxious about the future of technology and jobs?
The future isn’t what it used to be. Where we once looked forward to a Star Trekian vision of material abundance, we now worry that Lt. Commander Data is coming to take all of our jobs. More...

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