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12 mai 2016

Skin in the Game

HomeBy Carlo Salerno. No concept is arguably more popular in higher education policy today or seems to have broader consensus than institutional “skin in the game”: the idea that colleges need to be on some sort of financial hook when their students don’t succeed. Read more...

12 mai 2016

What's Right and Wrong About Research Universities

HomeBy Hunter R. Rawlings III. As he departs as president of the Association of American Universities, Hunter R. Rawlings III considers where leading research universities are today. Read more...

12 mai 2016

'A Body, Undone'

HomeBy Scott McLemee. Somewhere along the way, Nietzsche’s apothegm “That which does not destroy me makes me stronger” lost all the irony and ambiguity it had in context and turned into an edifying sentiment -- a motivational catchphrase, even on the order of that poster saying, “Hang in there, baby!” with the cat clinging to a tree branch. Read more...

12 mai 2016

Your Future Starts Here. Or Here. Or Here.

HomeBy Ellen Wexler. To sell themselves, colleges try to stand out. But often, their marketing efforts look practically identical. Read more...

12 mai 2016

Watchdog Barks -- and Gets Slapped Down

HomeBy Paul Fain. National accreditor ACICS, which faces an existential threat for being too lax with bad actors like Corinthian Colleges, tried to yank its approval of Bristol U, a deeply troubled for-profit. But a judge blocked the accreditor's move. Read more...

12 mai 2016

More Educated, More Liberal

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Study finds those with graduate education not only lean more to the left than do other Americans, but have done so increasingly in the last two decades. Read more...

12 mai 2016

Can AI fix education? We asked Bill Gates Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. The rise of smartphones has transformed the way students communicate and entertain themselves. But the classrooms they spend so much of their time in remain stubbornly resistant to transformation. Bill Gates is working to change all that. More...

11 mai 2016

Online Vs. Traditional: Which is the Better Platform? Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Picture this. Two friends go out to eat for lunch; friend number one discusses the hard work of being a college student and juggling class schedules with work. More...

11 mai 2016

Higher Ed Needs Major Disruption Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Happily, there exists an alternative to four bankrupting years on campus. There’s almost no learning, be it liberal arts or STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), that can’t be had free — or close to it — online. MOOCs (massive open online courses) are perfectly suited to disrupt the campus model. More...

9 mai 2016

Le rôle des universités dans le transfert des connaissances

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Recognizing that we need all kinds of research – both “the new new,” and that which yields results and innovation for the benefit of society and the economy, we recently asked Canadians some questions about what they expect from universities when it comes to research. More...

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