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26 février 2020

Formation interne ou externe : Comment savoir ?

Formation interne ou externe : Comment savoir ?
La réforme de la formation « Pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel » donne aux entreprises la responsabilité de la bonne qualification de leurs actions de formations : internes ou externes. Plus...
25 février 2020

Will I get a good education?

Will I get a good education?
A teacher can’t teach an empty room. You need to bring yourself to your studies, because you’re at least half the equation. That’s why it’s important to choose a subject you enjoy. It also means it’s important to choose a university and a programme that...
21 février 2020

How Do We Get Middle School Students Excited About Science? Make It Hands-On

How Do We Get Middle School Students Excited About Science? Make It Hands-On
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Do We Get Middle School Students Excited About Science? Make It Hands-On Katrina Schwartz, Mind/Shift, 2019/04/15I don't understand why parents have to send children to 'alternate schools' for this. I studied science...
21 février 2020

How $5 Billion Could Provide a Great Education for Every Kid on Earth

How $5 Billion Could Provide a Great Education for Every Kid on Earth
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How $5 Billion Could Provide a Great Education for Every Kid on Earth Tom Vander Ark, Getting Smart, 2019/04/15The program outlined in this article - community conversations, new school models, dual enrollment, private...
21 février 2020

8 reasons why my students lead their own conferences

8 reasons why my students lead their own conferences
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 8 reasons why my students lead their own conferences Rayna Freedman, eSchool News, 2019/04/15This is an example of what I would call good online learning - indeed, just good learning in general. The setting is parent-teacher...
21 février 2020

When Workplace Training Goes Very, Very Wrong

When Workplace Training Goes Very, Very Wrong
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. When Workplace Training Goes Very, Very Wrong Jon Hyman, Chief Learning Officer, 2019/04/10There are all kinds of wrong with this story. "An Indiana school district, however, had a different idea of how to train its...
21 février 2020

Why Kevin Carey is (mostly but not entirely) wrong (again)

Why Kevin Carey is (mostly but not entirely) wrong (again)
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why Kevin Carey is (mostly but not entirely) wrong (again) Steven D. Krause, 2019/04/10This post responds to a recent article by Kevin Carey, summarized here. The points where Carey was right: tuition costs too much,...
21 février 2020

A Systematic Review of the EQuiv Theory

A Systematic Review of the EQuiv Theory
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Systematic Review of the EQuiv Theory Terry Anderson, Virtual Canuck, 2019/04/09Terry Anderson's Equiv Theory is essentially the idea that "though interaction is critically important in distance education, it can take...
21 février 2020

When Leaving Academe, Which Research Projects Do You Leave Unfinished?

When Leaving Academe, Which Research Projects Do You Leave Unfinished?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. When Leaving Academe, Which Research Projects Do You Leave Unfinished? Erin Bartram, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2019/04/11The question being considered by the author is one best considered while still working in...
21 février 2020


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Runaway Wendy M. Grossman, net.wars, 2019/12/27This is a good article despite the garish formatting (if you use Firefox you'll want to use the Just Read extension for this one). The main point of the article is that...
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