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26 août 2019

Les Rendez vous de Grenelle semblent avoir disparu

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Alors qu'il se confirme que Les données mensuelles sur l'emploi sont publiées de plus en plus tardivement puisque ce 16 juillet ne sont pas encore parus les chiffres du mois d'Avril, il faut aussi constater que les Rendez vous de Grenelle, instaurés par Muriel Pénicaud pour un échange régulier sur les données de l'emploi ne sont plus à l'ordre du jour. Plus...

26 août 2019

Where I'm Coming From

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Jay Cross[Edit][Delete]: Where I'm Coming From, Internet Time [Edit][Delete] August 29, 2006
My comment was simply swallowed up by Jay Cros's website; maybe it was accepted, maybe it was filtered, maybe it just disappeared (please, people, if you are modertaing comments, add a notice to your website, and if your system filters spam, at least let commentators know - I spent way too much time today trying to post comments on people's websites). Anyhow, what I said to this post, in essence, is this: We are all coming from somewhere. And when I write, if you see an anger in my writing, it is because I am coming from somewhere too. More...

26 août 2019

How Many Calories Are in Coke Zero?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. William Draves[Edit][Delete]: How Many Calories Are in Coke Zero?, Nine Shift [Edit][Delete] August 29, 2006
I've been posting away today, a bit irritably. It's a sick day for me today, as I have a nasty sore throught, I'm a bit feverish, and I'm taking medication that won't let me sleep. I'm trying to get my work done before I leave on a month-long trip to South Africa, Australia and New Zealand this Friday, some work that I want to do, like my video, and other work I don't want to do, like participate in research projects that have utterly nothing to do with my interests or expertise. My computer is acting up - the internet is very slow today, and the keyboard (yes, the one that had mixed nuts in it, though I cleaned them out) is skipping letters at random. So I'm irritable today. Nobody's fault, really - except maybe the provincial government's, since they made me wade my bicycle through this huge pond in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere on Sunday evening. More...
26 août 2019

Primer on Public Involvement

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. François-Pierre Gauvin and Julia Abelson[Edit][Delete]: Primer on Public Involvement, Canadian Policy Research Networks [Edit][Delete] August 25, 2006
I always worry when someone promotes a new way to consult the public on health care, because the recent history of our system is that 85 percent of Canadians support the public system while business and government officials are forever trying to privatize it. This results in a cynicism about government, a cynicism that is frankly admitted at the beginning of this report. What follows is a good discussion of citizen participation in governance generally, and if you look for it you'll find what is for me a key factor: "participants must have a real impact on the policy and decision-making process. More...
26 août 2019

How About an Order of Slimehead?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Jay Cross[Edit][Delete]: How About an Order of Slimehead?, Internet Time [Edit][Delete] August 24, 2006
Jay Cross argues, "It's time for us to come up with a vocabulary that's not an obstacle to installing learning technology. Take the word blog. For some people, the word sets off alarm bells.... So let's not speak of blogs or slimeheads. Let's talk about Project Logs. Or Collaborative Project Documentation". More...

26 août 2019

Pact for Impact, une manifestation ambivalente au bilan carbone bien négatif

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. La deuxième journée de Pact for Impact a accentué l'ambivalence que nous avons relevé durant la première journée. Plus...

26 août 2019

Dans Pact for Impact, la dimension collective tente de ne pas disparaitre derrière l'entrepreneur

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Lors de la rencontre internationale Pact for Impact la phase institutionnelle (voir Ouverture de Pact for impact à Paris le 10 juillet 2019, ou le confusionnisme entretenu des termes sous influence de la langue anglaise) a été suivi d'une longue après midi où une succession d'intervenants, élus, organisations philantropiques, responsables de fondations, experts ..., et même quelques entrepreneurs sociaux, a expliqué, souvent de façon brillante, à quel point l'entreprise sociale et l'entrepreneur social apportent la solution pour rendre un monde que les excès de la finance ont fragilisé meilleur ou simplement vivable, pour peu que soit assuré au capital investi une rémunération au moins égale à celle que permet l'économie capitaliste classique. Plus...

26 août 2019

Steering a course through the chaos

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"It’s hard to remember a time when universities faced so many unknowns. Will the Augar Report recommendations ever become reality? How much money will the sector have? What will Brexit mean? Will the economy nosedive? What kind of government will we have by Christmas. More...

26 août 2019

Unconditional offers: Taking your foot off the gas in the last few months of school is the sort of decision you take as a child

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Unconditional offers: Taking your foot off the gas in the last few months of school is the sort of decision you take as a child and regret as an adult
Our universities are among the best in the world because they enjoy such high levels of autonomy, including over admissions. But we are in the midst of a battle to protect that autonomy, and the continuing expansion of “conditional unconditional” offers is making it harder to win. More...

25 août 2019

3 ways to combat the effects of trauma on campus

eCampus NewsThe impact of trauma poses a substantial risk to students–something that is recognized more now than ever before. Increased reports of trauma and tragic circumstances resulting from trauma–such as increases in at-risk behaviors, and even suicide–are bonafide challenges schools face today. More...

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