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7 septembre 2019

Are you mentally well enough for college?

The ConversationLast spring an 18-year-old college freshman who got straight A’s in high school – but was now failing several courses – came to my office on the campus where I work as a psychologist. More...

7 septembre 2019

7 tips on how to take better notes

The ConversationIn a graduate-level educational psychology course at Florida State University, my professor didn’t allow students to take notes. He reasoned that taking notes prevented students from reflecting on the lesson. More...

7 septembre 2019

A rose-tinted cure: the myth of coloured overlays and dyslexia

The ConversationIt is claimed that the use of coloured filters and lenses can alleviate visual distortions for people with dyslexia. These overlays are simple translucent pieces of plastic which add colour to text. But I believe they should not be recommended as a treatment or a form of support for people with dyslexia because there is a lack of convincing scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness. More...

7 septembre 2019

Pendidikan jasmani sama pentingnya dengan pelajaran lain di sekolah, tapi mengapa kerap dianaktirikan?

The ConversationPendidikan jasmani (penjas) kerap kali dipandang sebagai satu pelajaran pinggiran atau tidak penting dalam kurikulum sekolah. Dan banyak sekolah menengah mengurangi jam pelajaran pendidikan jasmani untuk menambah jam pelajaran yang dianggap “serius” dan “penting”. More...

7 septembre 2019

Modern hunter-gatherer children could tell us how human culture evolved and inspire new ways of teaching

The ConversationWhen Eteni, a 13-month-old baby living in the dense rainforests of Congo, attempts to cut freshly hunted meat with a sharp knife, no one interferes. In fact, Eteni can often be found playing with sharp tools and imitating her nine-year-old aunt, Bwaka, who is already efficient at digging wild yams and cutting bush meat with her machete. More...

7 septembre 2019

1 in 5 college students takes math courses that repeat what they already know

The ConversationAlthough going to college offers the promise of engaging with new ideas and learning new skills, when it comes to math, the experience can sometimes be like high school all over again. More...

7 septembre 2019

You Can Have It for a Song

By Barbara Fister. I heard an interesting podcast on my morning walk. (Listening to podcasts is how I bribe myself to exercise.) Code Switch is one of my go-to listens, mainly to fill gaps in my knowledge of history and contemporary issues around race, but this episode, “Searching for Punks,” was fascinating for another reason. More...

7 septembre 2019

Changing Seasons

By Barbara Fister. It was time for a change. Well, I actually didn’t think it was time quite yet, but the clock jerked forward unexpectedly. As Medicare eligibility was approaching and I was beginning to give some thought to retirement, the Little College on the Prairie made a buyout offer to faculty who met certain criteria, which I did. More...

7 septembre 2019

University President Hosts Student in Need of Place to Stay

By Eric Stoller. Long-weekend ‘slumber party’ at the ‘University in the Forest’. More...

7 septembre 2019

When Digital Silence Is Complicity - #ThinkAndDo

By Eric Stoller. Apparently, NC State University is more concerned about the reputational damage that a former vice chancellor speaking out against fascism could do via social media (checks notes) … than actually standing up against fascism. More...

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