A Higher Ed CMO’s Dilemma: In-sourcing vs. Outsourcing

By Matt Reed. Over the last several years, dual enrollment and its variations (concurrent enrollment, middle college, early college…) have grown wildly. I’ve noticed folks on campus, myself included, struggling just to theorize what’s happening. So, based on direct observation and participation, a few varieties of dual enrollment. More...
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Annalee Newitz[Edit][Delete]: Your Second Life is Ready, Popular Science [Edit][Delete] October 4, 2006
Well I made my first Second Life (aka 2L) character a couple of days ago (Labatt Pawpaw, if you're looking for me) and have been exploring a bit. Thus far what I am seeing looks a lot like the MUDs I used to enjoy, except that its graphical and has a lot more casinos. Anyhow, here's a Popular Science article about 2L. The article is pretty interesting but now I'm wondering if the 'Mitchell Kapor' mentioned in the article is the same 'Mitch Kapor' I know online. More...
By Colleen Flaherty. Last week's bedbug controversy lives on, with The New York Times’ Bret Stephens dedicating his most recent column to how Nazis and other anti-Semites have compared Jews to “bedbugs” and “lice” over time. More...