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9 juin 2019

High-Impact Practices Work

HomeAt a time when some people question the value of higher education, preparing students for successful, satisfying lives through such practices is crucial, argues Richard F. Vaz. More...

9 juin 2019

Leading Without an OPM in the Age of ‘Bigger Is Better’

HomeBuilding and managing their own online programs helps institutions transform themselves and prepare for the future, Vin Del Casino and Evie Cummings argue. More...

9 juin 2019

Rethinking Campus Mental Health

HomeIf colleges focus more on connection, we may find we already have more of the resources we need to tackle many of the challenges our students face, argues Gary Glass. More...

9 juin 2019

Students, Would You Like Fries With That?

HomeTo be treated as a worthless and expendable member of society is, unfortunately, all too common in service-industry jobs, but this culture has now infected college classrooms, argues Liz Mayo. More...

9 juin 2019

Let's End the Guessing About Test Security

HomeDavid Benjamin Gruenbaum writes that it's not just the admissions scandal that demonstrates the need for reform. More...

9 juin 2019

Our Fail Year

HomeIf we want our students to take chances, we faculty members hold the levers that would make such risk taking a risk worth taking, writes Kevin Dettmar. More...

9 juin 2019

A Playbook for Creating an Institutional Analytics Program

HomeHaving a data-informed culture is essential in today's era of financial challenge and accountability. Darren Catalano offers advice on how to get there. More...

9 juin 2019

Cash, Trends and Denial

HomeDavid P. Haney highlights some of the key early warning signs of financial trouble that higher education institutions often miss. More...

9 juin 2019

These fake images tell a scary story of how far AI has come

Techno-News BlogFive years ago, the technique for deepfakes was invented. Here’s what we’re capable of now.  In the past five years, machine learning has come a long way. You might have noticed that Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are way better than they used to be, or that automatic translation on websites, while still fairly spotty, is hugely improved from where it was a few years ago. More...

9 juin 2019

Why Integrated Instruction Is a Must for Today’s Tech-Enabled Learning

Techno-News BlogThose of us in education have heard about integrated instruction for some time. Also known as “interdisciplinary instruction,” the term is used to explain approaches to teaching and learning that support problem solving and critical thinking. More...

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