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25 août 2019

Pow! Comics are a way to improve queer men’s body image

The ConversationBuilt, buff and metrosexually styled — such is the dominant stereotype of what queer men should look like. Magazines, websites, image-based social media and dating apps contribute to creating idealized images of muscular and fat-free men’s bodies. Is it any surprise that body dissatisfaction has been reported to negatively influence queer men’s mental, emotional and sexual health. More...

25 août 2019

At a New York City garden, students grow their community roots and critical consciousness

The ConversationCommunity Roots uses the entire city as a classroom. It sees place-based learning as essential to teaching and learning. Urban gardening serves as a departure point for learning about land and relationships, as well as food, consumer culture and social activism. More...

24 août 2019

Soka: irrumpe en España un modelo educativo basado en la felicidad

The ConversationSo-Ka significa en japonés “creación de valor”. El término fue utilizado por Tsunesaburo Makiguchi en su obra La pedagogía del sistema de creación de valor, publicada en 1930. Lo que se planteaba en dicha obra era generar un sistema de enseñanza que enfatizara como meta vital crear valor, siendo la felicidad el propósito principal de la educación. More...

24 août 2019

Sembilan nonfiksi Indonesia yang wajib Anda baca sebelum usia 40

The ConversationDi awal proses ini, saya membayangkan melacak buku-buku nonfiksi Indonesia yang penting dibaca bukan pekerjaan yang sulit. Saya keliru. More...

24 août 2019

Semangat membaca di pelosok menantang anggapan minat baca rendah

The ConversationSiang yang cerah di sebuah sekolah dasar negeri di pinggiran Yogyakarta. Siswa berbaris rapi untuk mengembalikan buku yang dipinjamkan oleh Helobook, komunitas nirlaba yang rutin menyediakan bacaan gratis ke sekolah-sekolah dan pesantren di pinggiran Yogyakarta. More...

24 août 2019

Tujuh cara efektif kembangkan kosakata anak sejak usia berusia 8 bulan

The ConversationJika Anda ingin anak Anda memiliki sebuah kehidupan yang kaya dan memuaskan, salah satu cara terbaik yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah membantu mengembangkan perbendaharaan kata anak. More...

24 août 2019

Kebijakan “tiruan semu-ilusi kemajuan” hambat peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia

The ConversationSistem pendidikan Indonesia menghadapi ragam persoalan yang akut. More...

24 août 2019

How autism-friendly architecture can change autistic children’s lives

The ConversationImagine wearing a hearing aid on its highest setting and being unable to make any adjustment. You can hear the speech of the person next to you – but, at the same volume, you hear birdsong through an open window, the air conditioning whirring above and the traffic droning outside. More...

24 août 2019

Yes, I’m searching for aliens – and no, I won’t be going to Area 51 to look for them

The ConversationWhat started as an internet joke has generated a stern military warning after more than a million people “signed up” to “raid” Area 51 – a secretive military installation in Southern Nevada long fancied by conspiracy theorists to be hiding evidence of a crashed UFO with aliens. The purpose of the planned raid is in order to “see them aliens.” More...

24 août 2019

Lead-based paint found in half of all inspected schools

The ConversationWith all the emphasis that has been placed on making sure children are safe from the hazards of lead-based paint at home, similar efforts would seem just as important for America’s schools. More...
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