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15 avril 2018

Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine : encore un long chemin à parcourir

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceLe mercredi 21 mars dernier, au cours d’un Sommet extraordinaire de l’Union africaine (UA) à Kigali au Rwanda, 44 pays africains ont signé un accord instaurant une zone de libre-échange continentale. Cette zone, étendard de l’agenda 2063 de l’UA, qui fait l’objet de discussions depuis 2015, serait la plus vaste au monde en termes de nombre de pays membres, représentant 2 500 milliards d’euros de PIB cumulés. Plus...

13 avril 2018

Afrique : des perspectives qui font rêver

Le 6 février, le forum franco-africain pour une croissance partagée rassemblait des personnalités prestigieuses du monde politique et économique. Objectif : faciliter les partenariats entre l'Hexagone et les pays africains. Plus...

12 avril 2018

Rencontres Cafés Croissants Afrique

Campus France logoL'Agence Campus France est heureuse de vous annoncer les prochains cafés-croissants autour de pays africains qui seront organisés en 2018 ! 
L’Agence Campus France est heureuse de vous annoncer les prochains cafés croissants autour de pays africains qui seront organisés au sein de son siège à Paris. Plus...

9 avril 2018

Police teargas striking public universities’ staff

Police last week teargassed public universities’ staff who were protesting at the ministry of education offices in Nairobi, writes Faith Nyamai for the Daily Nation. More...
9 avril 2018

Court outlaws second screening of university candidates

By Tunde Fatunde. The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has indicated it will appeal a recent high court ruling outlawing the 13-year-old practice among individual universities of re-screening university candidates who have already passed the national admission test known as the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). More...
9 avril 2018

An optimistic narrative for higher education ahead

By Sharon Dell. Currently grabbing headlines and making a stir is Harvard-based cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker’s new book Enlightenment Now. In it Pinker argues, among other things, that on all objective measures of human progress over the long term, things are pretty much improving for Earth’s inhabitants. More...
9 avril 2018

Towards more achievable university vision statements

By Wondwosen Tamrat. Overly ambitious and unrealistic vision statements will not be able to drag Ethiopian universities higher up the regional and international ranking ladders. Instead, universities might be better off focusing more seriously on what they can achieve locally. More...
9 avril 2018

International partnership solution to the bioscience gap

By Carol Ibe. Africa continues to face major socio-economic challenges in its quest to drive economic growth, create employment opportunities and reduce poverty. Scientific advancements can accelerate development across key sectors on the continent, but this would require comprehensive planning, long-term commitment and strategic investments in tertiary education, research capacity building and funding for research and development. More...
9 avril 2018

Universities mourn ‘Mother of the nation’ Winnie Mandela

By Munyaradzi Makoni. The country’s universities last week mourned the death of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, anti-apartheid icon and former wife of democratic South Africa’s first president Nelson Mandela, who passed away in Johannesburg on 2 April at the age of 81 after a long illness. More...
9 avril 2018

Three things we have learned about investing in African small businesses and in fragile countries

Africa’s small and medium businesses (SMEs) form what is often called the “missing middle” of African economies. The smaller the investment ticket is, the higher the transaction and monitoring costs are, reducing the net profitability for investors. In addition, the poorer and more fragile the country is,  the riskier the investments are. More...

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