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28 mai 2018

New project takes the fight against extremism to students

By Wagdy Sawahel. A UNESCO campaign launched recently in the North African countries of Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan aims to empower youth in the fight against extremism and strengthen the capacities of universities and other educational institutions to contribute to national prevention efforts. More...
28 mai 2018

Diaspora fellows head back to Africa for joint research

By Maina Waruru. The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) has selected 43 African universities in Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda to host 55 African-born scholars to build partnerships between home and host universities and address priority needs in host universities and countries. More...
28 mai 2018

Vision of ‘university towns’ starts to take shape

By Kudzai Mashininga. Zimbabwe is forging ahead with plans to establish university towns in areas where the development of three state universities with technological hubs is set to commence, following a national budgetary allocation for construction amounting to US$21 million. More...
28 mai 2018

ARUA launches first centre of excellence

The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) has launched the first of 13 ‘centres of excellence’ – with this centre focused on inequality – at an event held at the University of Cape Town’s School of Economics in South Africa last week. More...
21 mai 2018

South Africa’s reading crisis: focus on the root cause, not the peripherals

Screenshot-2018-5-7 Education – Views Research – The ConversationCalling it a crisis is no overstatement. South Africa ranked last out of 50 countries in the 2016 Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) study which tested reading comprehension of learners in their fourth year of primary schooling. The study found that 78% of South African pupils at this level could not read for meaning. More...

18 mai 2018

Collaborative Development of Open Content: A Process Model to Unlock the Potential For African Universities

Collaborative Development of Open Content: A Process Model to Unlock the Potential For African Universities
This detailed article looks at the need for and processes surrounding the development of open content for African universities. Of course, such an approach would help the cash-strapped everywhere, but it is particularly appropriate for developing nations. More...

14 mai 2018

Universities urged to keep separate maintenance account

Zambian Minister of Higher Education Professor Nkandu Luo has ordered all public universities and colleges in the country to open separate bank accounts to be specifically used for maintenance as a way of enhancing accountability, reports the Lusaka Times. More...
14 mai 2018

Does Nigeria need a new military university?

By Alex Abutu. A new military university focused on nuclear technology is to be located in the town of Biu in Borno State, a uranium-rich area and the epicentre of the Boko Haram insurgency which has ravaged the country for the last eight years. While the new institution will be open to civilians, not everyone agrees that Nigeria needs another military university. More...
14 mai 2018

Co-operation for HE access using new modes of learning

By Kirk Perris. An oft-cited figure from a 2015 UNESCO statement stipulates that higher education demand is forecasted to swell to 414 million prospective learners by 2030. The scenario of building large, new institutions each week to accommodate such demand clearly won’t happen. Nor will the scenario of doubling the number of students on existing campuses. More...
14 mai 2018

Local satellite opens new frontiers for universities

By Gilbert Nganga. A recently launched satellite developed by students and researchers from the University of Nairobi marks Kenya’s most ambitious venture into space science, a field dominated largely by Western and Asian powers. More...
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