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4 juin 2018

Defining an innovative path for Africa in the fourth industrial revolution

By Sharon Dell – Africa Editor. In Africa Features, Stephen Coan interviews aspiring Martian, theoretical physicist and innovation expert Adriana Marais about the role of African universities in the fourth industrial revolution. We also interview a unique team of three academics – a father and his two sons – about their new book on African philosophy of education which draws on some of their experiences in setting up and running a massive open online course at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. From Nigeria, Tunde Fatunde draws out some detail and implications of the latest government crackdown on illegal universities, while Gilbert Nakweya ponders the efficacy of strike action in Kenyan universities as a means to resolve academics’ grievances.
   In Africa Analysis, Wondwosen Tamrat discusses the pressures on universities in Ethiopia to generate income through their course offerings, and some of the pitfalls involved.
   In News from the continent, Wagdy Sawahel covers the recent violence on Moroccan campuses among student political formations, and Kudzai Mashininga reports on the African Development Bank’s latest investment in higher education aimed at industrialisation.
   In world News, Yojana Sharma outlines an Economist Intelligence Unit ranking of countries’ preparedness for an automation revolution; and in World Blog Hans de Wit highlights a growing need for training for university leaders to strengthen their ability to drive internationalisation, which has moved from the margins to the centre of higher education. More...
3 juin 2018

Statebuilding without the State: Getting beyond “chicken and egg” in Somalia

The credibility of the Somali Government hinges largely on its ability to deliver for the Somali People.” International partners clearly recognise the importance of using country systems to achieve broader statebuilding goals, as this line, taken from the May 2017 Communiqué of the London Conference on Somalia, indicates. More...

2 juin 2018

L’industrie du jeu vidéo en Afrique tiraillé entre localité et globalité.

logoLes développeurs africains de jeux vidéo s’inscrivent dans un mouvement d'amplification des mythes, des histoires et des traditions africaines. Ils allient culture locale et modernisme pour transmettre leur culture au monde entier. Ils partent à la conquête du marché en offrant des jeux destinés aux joueurs africains, se déroulant en Afrique et mettant en scène des personnages locaux. Plus...

2 juin 2018

L’industrie africaine du jeu vidéo : de la croissance à la reconnaissance.

logoLes jeux vidéo représentent aujourd’hui l’industrie culturelle la plus dynamique au monde autant en matière de rentabilité que de reconnaissance. Seulement en 2017, le marché mondial du jeu vidéo a généré 78.6 milliards de dollars. Et il est estimé à 82.4 milliards de dollars en 2018 et vaudra 90 milliards de dollars d’ici 2020. Bien plus que les revenus combinés de l’industrie du cinéma et de la musique. Plus...

28 mai 2018

Committee likely to end self-sponsored degree plan

It is expected that in less than a month a committee appointed by Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed will recommend the dissolution of Module II programmes in local public universities, taking on board recommendations from the inter-ministerial task force she appointed two weeks ago that has been looking into delivery of services in institutions of higher learning, writes Muiru Ngugi for Daily NatioMore...

28 mai 2018

Towards a common standard for postgraduate training

By Maina Waruru.
A first-of-its-kind regional workshop intended to build capacity in the supervision of postgraduate studies was held last month in Kigali, Rwanda, as part of a broader process aimed at developing common standards for postgraduate training in the East African region and increasing the number of masters and PhD graduates. More...

28 mai 2018

Students turn their backs on ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees

Students are increasingly becoming selective in their choice of degrees and where they want to study, according to data from the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service, writes Wachira Kigotho for Standard MediaMore...
28 mai 2018

Partnership to boost Guinea’s higher education system

A higher education framework agreement aimed at helping Guinea to adapt and improve its higher education systems along Senegalese lines is to be signed by the two countries. More...
28 mai 2018

No easy solutions to university sex-for-marks phenomenon

By Tunde Fatunde. A recent sex-for-marks scandal involving a senior academic and a postgraduate student has highlighted not only the prevalence of the problem, but the difficulty in addressing it in Nigerian universities. More...
28 mai 2018

Research universities – The need for a realistic roadmap

By Wondwosen Tamrat. Largely because of their role in knowledge creation and dissemination and their concomitant contribution towards the global knowledge economy, the extant literature is replete with arguments in favour of the development of research universities. More...
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