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18 juin 2018

African student flows – Challenging prevailing paradigms

By Chika Sehoole and Jenny J Lee. From 11-13 June 2018, researchers representing seven African countries and officials gathered to share their case country results based on a three-year research study on international mobility to the African continent. More...

18 juin 2018

NEPAD agency partners with UK universities to set up hub

By Kudzai Mashininga. The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) agency and Durham University in the United Kingdom are to jointly set up an Africa Hub to help African countries and universities increase their research, it has been announced. More...

18 juin 2018

Successful start to major internationalisation project

By Jan Petter Myklebust. The South Africa-Sweden University Forum or SASUF – a major internationalisation project aimed at strengthening education, research and innovation ties between the two countries – kicked off with a seminar hosted by the University of Pretoria in South Africa and some 30 satellite gatherings in 12 South African cities involving more than 1,000 local and 67 Swedish participants. More...

18 juin 2018

Growth stymied by academia-industry disconnect – Experts

By Gilbert Nakweya. The disconnect between institutions of higher learning and industry is proving to be a serious inhibitor of the development of local skills needed to ensure the extractive industry takes off in East Africa, according to some of the region’s experts. More...

4 juin 2018

Allowance non-payment leaves students destitute

Without their allowances, many students on tertiary campuses across South Africa are left destitute and hungry, Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training heard last week, reports Jan Gerber for News24. More...
4 juin 2018

76-day-long lecturer strike ends but for how long?

By Gilbert Nakweya. The recent collapse of the 76-day-long lecturers’ strike means that students at public universities can get back to their studies. But with no real resolution to the issues causing staff unhappiness, how long can stability in the sector be expected to last. More...
4 juin 2018

Aspiring Martian calls for Africa to define its own path

By Stephen Coan. Africa needs to define its own path when it comes to the fourth industrial revolution and look at what technology is appropriate for its societies, according to aspiring Martian and Head of Innovation at software manufacturer SAP Africa Adriana Marais, who is the headline speaker at the South African Technology Network (SATN) international conference later this year. More...
4 juin 2018

Perils of unregulated privatisation in public universities

By Wondwosen Tamrat. While the private higher education sector in Ethiopia continues to be demonised for its commercial motives, the issue of partial privatisation in the public sector has, in general, not received the scholarly attention it deserves. More...
4 juin 2018

Commission takes hard line against ‘illegal’ institutions

By Tunde Fatunde. Taking a hard line against 58 institutions – in Nigeria and neighbouring countries – that it considers 'illegal', the National Universities Commission (NUC) of Nigeria recently warned that any certificates obtained from such institutions will not be recognised for the purposes of national youth service, employment or further study. More...
4 juin 2018

Minister proposes extra year for university students

By Tunde Fatunde. In a bid to address the country’s graduate unemployment crisis, students in Nigeria may have to spend an extra year at university to obtain the necessary skills required for the labour market. More...
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