Migration is the talk of the moment. Last week, I participated in the 11th GFMD2 Summit and the Intergovernmental Conference on the GCM3, where experts debated migration’s place in today’s global context. The outcome: 163 member countries of the United Nations pledged their support for a ground breaking document establishing migration – and migrants – as a vehicle for good. More...
Migration white paper lists NINE new obstacles for European students – and misses two more
The migration white paper puts new obstacles in the way of international students as well as researchers and other staff. Ministers have made great play of their commitment to exclude students from any migration limits. But that is a reannouncement of the existing position. It is clear students will stay in the published data and new restrictions are being placed on students from other European countries. More...
UK parliament debates TOEIC: “Britain’s forgotten immigration scandal”
By Claudia Civinini. The case of the international students who had their visa cancelled or were deported following the TOEIC cheating scandal in 2014 was for the first time debated in the UK parliament. More...
Competitors consider likely policy change in the UK
By Claudia Civinini. The UK has a less generous provision of post-study work rights for international students compared to some of its key competitors, the report of the Migration Advisory Committee stated, while its regulations for part-time work while studying are similar to others. More...
Opposition to "Public Charge" Rule
By Elizabeth Redden. Current regulations dating to 1999 hold that an immigrant can be deemed inadmissible or ineligible for a change in immigration status if they are determined to be "likely to become primarily dependent on the government for subsistence." Whereas the government has previously taken into account the acceptance of cash benefits in determining whether an immigrant is likely to be a "public charge," the proposed rule would consider any use of a wider range of noncash public benefits -- including use of food stamps, nonemergency Medicaid and public housing assistance -- as “heavily weighed negative factors” in making these determinations. More...
Les mouvements d'actifs en Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Secretary General backs UN migration pact
The Secretary General of the 47-nation Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, has expressed his support for the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration which is due to be adopted in Marrakech next week:
Migration is one of the biggest challenges of our time. It affects the well-being, dignity and sometimes even the survival of millions of people, many of whom are fleeing war zones, persecution or natural disasters. More...
J’ai regardé les étoiles et dansé le jazz avec des migrants à l’université (2)
Too busy for the PTA, but working-class parents care
Japan: A New Home for Student Migrants?
The need to attract international students and talent is particularly pressing in Japan where the birthrate is among the lowest in the world, leading to a shrinking youth population and demographic decline. More...