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22 août 2019

American Anthropological Association Denounces ICE Raids

HomeBy Nick Hazelrigg. The American Anthropological Association has called for the Trump administration to cancel immigration raids planned for this weekend aimed at arresting thousands of undocumented immigrants. In a press release, the organization called the planned raids "misdirected, ill-informed, disproportionate and unlikely to succeed." The group has been critical of the administration's position on undocumented immigrants in the past and urged members to get involved. More...

17 juillet 2019

La représentation de l'émigration par des intellectuels libanais établis en Egypte

sup-numerique.gouv.frAfin d’analyser les mémoires des migrations religieuses dans l’Empire Ottoman, l’auteur aborde la représentation de l'émigration par des intellectuels libanais établis en Egypte. Après un état historique, l’auteur présente l’intégration des femmes dans les mémoires égyptiennes et libanaises et, enfin, les figures masculines vantées au Liban mais partiellement ignorées en Egypte. Plus...
13 juillet 2019

Traumatisme et capacité d’apprentissage

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Les migrants qui décident -que ce soit volontairement ou involontairement -de quitter leurs pays d'origine sont confrontés à un bouleversement de leur cadre de référence qui, dans un système social, nous aide à réduire le monde à une section calculable dans laquelle on peut trouver sa propre voie et interagir. Plus...
11 juillet 2019

Combating violence in all its forms against migrant children

Conseil de l'EuropeThe Assembly today expressed its concern about the “serious threats” faced by migrant children on their way to Europe and important gaps in the policies and procedures, which limit the legal opportunities for migration in Europe. "Once in Europe, migrant children can also be subject to abuse in detention centres or transit zones, sexual assault and violence, or live on the streets to avoid deportation. They are also at risk of being sexually exploited or of being exploited as undocumented workers,” the parliamentarians said. More...

10 juillet 2019

Social protection and risk: the ultimate root cause of migration?

According to recent estimates, 258 million people in the world were living outside of their country of birth in 2017, up from a total of 161 million in 1990. That represents an increase of 60%. More...

22 juin 2019

Member states must assume more responsibility for rescuing migrants at sea and protecting their rights

Conseil de l'Europe“European states’ approach to migration in the Mediterranean Sea has become much too focused on preventing refugees and migrants from reaching European shores, and too little on the humanitarian and human rights aspects. This approach is having tragic consequences”, said Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while releasing a Recommendation today which identifies the deficiencies of this approach, and aims at helping member states to reframe their response according to human rights standards. More...
22 juin 2019

8 steps education systems can take to integrate immigrant students

Around 258 million people were living outside of their country of birth in 2017, with about half of these migrants residing in OECD countries. As diversity continues to increase, societies face the challenge of building inclusive societies to ensure prosperity and well-being for all. Education systems are central to this aim, because of their unique position at the center of societies and their ability to develop skills, promote cultural knowledge, and support social and emotional well-being. More...

18 mai 2019

Trump to Announce Immigration Plan

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. President Trump is expected to announce today an immigration plan that would reduce family-based immigration in favor of employment-based skilled immigration, National Public Radio reported. The total number of green cards issued would not change under the plan, but the share of immigrants coming to the U.S. through skill-based versus family-based pathways would change. More...

13 mai 2019

Migrations internationales : un enjeu planétaire

Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalLe panorama des migrations internationales a sensiblement évolué au cours des trois dernières décennies ; elles concernent aujourd’hui une majorité de pays tandis que les profils des migrants se sont diversifiés. De nouveaux défis sont apparus, dont la crise humanitaire à laquelle doit faire face l’Union Européenne est l’une des manifestations. Plus...

5 mai 2019

Missing school is a given for children of migrant farmworkers

The ConversationIt’s not hard to see how missing a few months of school each year disadvantages students. The Modesto Bee reports 74% of migrant students “were not meeting English language standards and 80% were not up to par in math” in the 2016-17 academic year. More...
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