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24 mars 2015

International students in limbo under immigration system changes

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Simona Chiose. Thousands of international students were rejected for permanent residence this winter, caught up in changes to Canada’s immigration system intended to speed up recruitment of skilled workers but criticized as leading to uncertainty for prospective immigrants and employers. Read more...
10 mars 2015

Why we need immigration and higher ed reform . President Obama on Monday unveiled a $100 million grant program as part of a new initiative that he said was critical to ensuring the U.S. remains a global economic powerhouse. Obama called for plans to help thousands of Americans “fill the new jobs of this new century” by using nontraditional courses to turn them into top-level coders, programmers and other technology workers. “If we’re not producing enough tech workers, over time that’s going to threaten our leadership in global innovation, which is the bread and butter of the 21st Century economy,” the president said in remarks at a Washington conference of the National League of Cities. More...

5 mars 2015

Note d'analyse - Jeunes issus de l'immigration : quels obstacles à leur insertion économique ?

France Stratégie - Commissariat à la stratégie et à la prospectivePar Pierre-Yves Cusset, Hélène Garner, Mohamed Harfi, Frédéric Lainé, David Marguerit. Les jeunes descendants d’immigrés, en particulier les descendants d’immigrés africains (y compris le Maghreb), sont touchés par les difficultés d’insertion professionnelle (taux de chômage élevé, instabilité de l’emploi, etc.) qui s’expliquent notamment par : un milieu socioéconomique plus modeste ; des parcours scolaires plus difficiles, un moindre accès à l’apprentissage ; une concentration spatiale au sein de quartiers et communes cumulant les difficultés économiques et sociales des phénomènes de discrimination pour l’accès à l’emploi et au logement.
Note d'analyse - Jeunes issus de l'immigration : quels obstacles à leur insertion économique ? (PDF - 2.35 Mo). Voir l'article...
17 février 2015

New process 'complicated' for foreign students

By Janet French. New federal immigration rules make it much harder for international students to stay in Canada after studying in Saskatchewan, some near graduation say. 
Two University of Saskatchewan PhD students and a recent grad - all in science and engineering - say although they want to stay in Saskatchewan, they may have to leave the country. A federal bureaucratic change on Jan. 1 lumped international graduates in the same category as every applicant with Canadian work experience applying for permanent residency. Read more...
17 février 2015

Ottawa to relax foreign worker rules at universities

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Simona Chiose. Universities have persuaded the federal government to relax new rules on how they hire temporary foreign workers that they say made it more difficult to recruit global academic talent. Read more...
12 février 2015

Top-shelf workers, students left behind by new immigration rules: lawyers

CTV.caBy Andrea Janus. Canada’s new permanent residence application system will discourage top-level professionals and other highly skilled workers from coming to this country unless changes are made soon, immigration lawyers warn.
The new Express Entry program, which came into effect on January 1, puts workers wishing to apply for permanent residency in Canada into one pool. They fill out an application and are awarded points based on various criteria, and those with the top scores are then invited to apply for permanent residency. Read more...

11 février 2015

New immigration rules risk leaving international students behind

BNN.caChanges to immigration regulations have made it more difficult for international students who have recently graduated from Canadian universities to qualify for permanent residence.
On Jan. 1, new federal rules came into effect that no longer give international students with Canadian work experience an automatic leg-up when they apply to stay in Canada permanently.
Now, Canada may find it difficult to continue successfully recruiting international students. Almost 300,000 international students were enrolled in Canadian postsecondary institutions last year, drawn partly by one of the most open systems of residence after graduation. More...

1 février 2015

Why US colleges should welcome undocumented immigrants

By Sonali Kohli. As an undocumented immigrant who moved to California from Mexico as a child, Bianca Rodriguez expected that navigating college would be a challenge, both financially and emotionally. So it was the presence of the Undocumented Student Program that drew Rodriguez to the University of California, Berkeley, where she is now a sophomore. More...

1 février 2015

MPs launch early day motion on international students

By . A cross-party group of MPs has launched a fresh bid to get international students removed from the UK’s net migration target. More...

26 janvier 2015

Personalchefs wollen keine Migranten

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon Britta Mersch. Ausländische Eltern? Keine deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit? Ein ungewöhnlicher Name? Nein danke. Eine Umfrage bei deutschen Unternehmen zeigt: Nur 15 Prozent aller Ausbildungsbetriebe bilden Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund aus. Mehr...

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