In an ever-changing world, some children are learning a different language at home than the one they use at school. The Welcomm Project uses a Multimedia Learning Kit to help children acquire the necessary vocabulary to start school through playful activities. More...
US educators rush to reassure students, faculty in wake of Trump’s immigration ban
By Sara Custer. Education institutions in the US have rushed to reassure international students and faculty after the president signed an executive order banning entry of all refugees for 120 days and citizens from seven mostly Muslim countries for 90 days, as well as all Syrian refugees indefinitely. More...
Trump's immigration ban could cost U.S. colleges $700M
Submitted by Stefanie Botelho. Masoumian was born in Tehran, Iran, and lived in Turkey for about one year while his family sought asylum in the U.S. Now a permanent resident, Masoumian hopes to transfer to California State Polytechnic University-Pomona and take up aerospace engineering. He dreams of landing a job at Boeing Co., the world’s largest plane maker. More...
Immigrants heal us
Trump Expected to Sign Orders Restricting Immigration From Middle East, Africa
By Elizabeth Redden. Reuters is reporting that President Trump is expected to sign executive orders this week temporarily banning the entry of most refugees and suspending visa processing for citizens of seven countries in the Middle East and Africa: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Read more...
Required to Detain
By Rick Seltzer. Texas legislation could force campus police departments to hold on to those they arrest until federal immigration authorities can consider their legal status. Read more...
Migrants: de l'ex-"Jungle" à l'université pour apprendre un métier
Ils étaient avocat au Soudan, vétérinaire au Pakistan, footballeur en Iran ou mécanicien aéronautique en Erythrée... 80 réfugiés de l'ex-"Jungle" de Calais ont rejoint l'université de Lille, où, après des cours de français intensifs, ils vont apprendre ou réapprendre un métier. Voir l'article...
80 migrants de Calais ont réussi leur rentrée à l'Université de Lille
A Lille, des étudiants réfugiés bénéficient gratuitement de cours de français afin de pouvoir suivre un cursus universitaire. Voir l'article...
Human migration, environment and climate change
Environmental migration is a fact. Most countries experience some form of migration associated with environmental and climate change, or forced immobility for those populations that end up trapped. More...
Migration: An overlooked tool for local development
The global approach to migration and development is typically framed at the national level, whereby policies are conceived by national governments and mostly implemented with national fiscal resources and by national actors. More...