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30 septembre 2018

Education levels of U.S. immigrants are on the rise

University Business Magazine logoThe estimated 44 million immigrants in the United States are better educated than ever, due in part to rising levels of schooling in many of the countries they came from and an influx of high-skilled workers to the U.S. in recent years, especially from Asia. More...

26 août 2018

Enhancing labour-market integration of immigrants in Canada . Canada has long taken in more immigrants relative to its population than most other countries. Immigration policy in Canada aims to promote economic development by selecting immigrants with high levels of human capital, to reunite families and to respond to foreign crises and offer protection to endangered people. More...

6 août 2018

Submit your examples of good practices on child-friendly procedures in the migration context

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomThe Office of the Special Representative on migration and refugees is looking for examples of good or promising practices of migration-related procedures that are child-friendly. Selected examples will be published in a compilation of good practices being prepared under the Council of Europe Action plan on protecting refugee and migrant children (2017-2019). More...

6 août 2018

Greece: immediate action needed to protect human rights of migrants

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomThe humanity and hospitality that Greece’s people and authorities demonstrated towards migrants in recent years is truly commendable. In spite of these efforts, however, the situation remains worrying and much more needs to be done to protect the human rights of those who have had to flee their country. More...

5 août 2018

Inclusion des migrants : des outils pour l'éducation et la formation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour L'équipe EPALE représentait l'Agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation le 22 juin dernier, lors du colloque de clôture du projet DIME ("Développer un référentiel de compétences et des modules de formation favorisant l'Inclusion des Migrants vers l'Europe"). Il s'agit d'un projet de partenariat stratégique (KA2) financé par le programme Erasmus+ et la Préfecture de la Gironde. Plus...

5 août 2018

L’éducation et la formation des migrants adultes: vers une prise de conscience moderne

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Au cours de ces dernières années, la migration s’est hissée en tête de liste des priorités en matière d’éducation et de formation des adultes. En très peu de temps, une question hautement politique, qui dans le meilleur des cas, recevait auparavant un intérêt humanitaire, est devenue un sujet brûlant dans l’éducation et la formation des adultes. La communauté du secteur de l’éducation et la formation des adultes peut être fière d’avoir su réagir rapidement en se plaçant du «bon côté de l’histoire» et en aidant des personnes qui se trouvent dans l’une des situations les plus difficiles qui peuvent arriver dans la vie. Plus...
2 août 2018

Should Universities Sever Ties With ICE?

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. Protests and petitions call on universities to end their contracts with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. More...

1 août 2018

The migrant university summer experience helping students view college life

University Business Magazine logoTeaching students the importance of higher education is the primary goal of the Migrant University Summer Experience program at UTRGV. More...

31 juillet 2018

UCL row over email stating immigration-check fine of £20,000

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianA row has broken out over University College London’s enforcement of immigration controls for international students, with staff and students accusing the senior management of pursuing draconian and discriminatory policies. More...

23 juillet 2018

Academics Oppose Family-Separation Policy

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Numerous academics, higher education leaders and scholarly associations are releasing statements opposing the Trump administration's policy of separating immigrant parents and children at the southern border. More...

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