Commending Bosnia and Herzegovina in its effort to provide shelter and basic services to the high number of arrivals of migrants and refugees, the Secretary General’s Special Representative on migration and refugees Tomáš Boček, stressed in a report published today, that access to asylum procedures and support services were limited while adapted accommodation and effective guardianship for unaccompanied children remained a challenge. More...
Integration policies should not pursue migration-control goals
The Issue Paper focuses on specific integration policies such as learning the language or acquiring knowledge about the political institutions, society and democratic values of the receiving country as well as residency requirements, income thresholds or housing requirements in the context of family reunification. More...
Immigrant children succeed in education
Immigrant youth help to build nations
Comment lutter contre les stéréotypes sur les migrations ? Des pratiques renouvelées de l’Education Populaire

Credentials for the Future: Mapping the Potential for Immigrant-Origin Adults in the United States
As the U.S. workforce ages, baby boomers retire, and birth rates decline, the United States is facing an estimated shortfall of 8 million workers between now and 2027. At the same time, the U.S. economy is becoming ever more knowledge-based. More...
Peut-on parler sereinement de l’immigration africaine ?
L’angélisme ? On le trouve d’abord chez ceux qui, révoltés non sans raison par l’attitude des Européens face au sort des migrants, affirment qu’il n’y a "pas de crise" car, "le solde migratoire européen est nul". Il est exact que le grand flux migratoire des années 2015-2017 est aujourd’hui presque tari. Plus...
College-Educated Immigrants in the U.S.
By Scott Jaschik. A new analysis from the Pew Research Center offers data on college-educated immigrants in the United States. The analysis notes that the U.S. has more college-educated immigrants than any other country. More...
Reducing the immigrant gap in education: What Sweden can learn from other countries
For decades, Sweden has served as an exemplary model for integrating immigrants. The country’s well-developed integration system, together with its innovative and effective education sector, have helped immigrants and refugee students to feel more at home in their new country. More...
‘Dreamers’ pursue degrees in Toronto
By Kerrie Kennedy. A group of 10 ‘Dreamers’ living in Ontario, Canada with uncertain immigration status have been given the opportunity to study for a degree as part of a pilot program launched by York University and FCJ Refugee Centre. More...