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24 novembre 2016

Arts-Based Research: Surprise and Self-Motivation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Arts-Based Research: Surprise and Self-Motivation
Raleigh Werberger, Edutopia, 2016/10/12

Here's the teaser: "Arts-based research is beginning an investigation without expectations and remaining open to all possibilities." More...

24 novembre 2016

Learning in the Digital Age

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning in the Digital Age
Michael Grant, Conference Board of Canada, 2016/10/14
This report from the Conference Board of Canada "explores the potential of e-learning in the Canadian setting." Most Conference Board reports are expensive (like this excellent Learning and Development Outlook from last year) but this one is free. More...

24 novembre 2016

You are almost definitely not living in reality because your brain doesn’t want you to

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. You are almost definitely not living in reality because your brain doesn’t want you to
Buster Benson, Quartz, 2016/10/14
Good article listing sources of cognitive bias (always an interest of mine). Numerous links. "In order to avoid drowning in information overload, our brains need to skim and filter insane amounts of information...

  1. Information overload sucks, so we aggressively filter.
  2. Lack of meaning is confusing, so we fill in the gaps.
  3. We need to act fast lest we lose our chance, so we jump to conclusions.
  4. This isn’t getting easier, so we try to remember the important bits. More...
24 novembre 2016

Scraping Google Scholar to write your PhD literature chapter

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Scraping Google Scholar to write your PhD literature chapter
Jon Dron, The Landing, 2016/10/14

What's interesting about the diagram in this post is that you could figure out who the major writers are in the field without knowing anything about the writers or the field. Take a look. Rawls, Sen and Ostrom occupy central locations. More...

24 novembre 2016

Exploring more frameworks to understand OER/OEP

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Exploring more frameworks to understand OER/OEP
David T. Jones, The Weblog of (a) David Jones, 2016/10/14

I think this falls into the category of overthinking things, but I still want to pass on this discussion of OER 'frameworks', for example one describing "different stages of OEP using a combination of OER usage and learning architecture." Yes, it's another set of taxonomies-and-stages. More...

24 novembre 2016

So You Want to Learn Physics...

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. So You Want to Learn Physics...
Susan J. Fowler, 2016/10/18
This is an outline of a physics curriculum from first year to graduate studies. It's useful in its own right, but it makes me wonder whether someone could use something like this to actually learn physics. Yes, they would have to be very motivated, persistent, and have a lot of time. More...

24 novembre 2016

XuetangX: A Look at China’s First and Biggest MOOC Platform

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. XuetangX: A Look at China’s First and Biggest MOOC Platform
Dhawal Shah, Class Central, 2016/10/18

XuetangX is one of the world's top MOOC platforms with more than 5 million registrations. The service is a modified ExX platform, so look-and-feel and navigation will be familiar, even if the overall appearance isn't. More...

24 novembre 2016

Labeling fact-check articles in Google News

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Labeling fact-check articles in Google News
Richard Gingras, The Keyword, 2016/10/18
I haven't been able to see this actually working yet, but the promise of a 'fact check' option in Google News is intriguing. For now, the actual fact checking will depend on people, and it looks like fact-checking metadata (called Claim Review) will have to be present in the news story. More...

24 novembre 2016

Equity, Resilience, and Achievements in High Performing Asian Education Systems

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Equity, Resilience, and Achievements in High Performing Asian Education Systems
Wing-On Lee, Chenri Hui, Low Ee Ling, Frontiers of Education in China, 2016/10/18
Many of the leaders in recent PISA and other academic tests have been from east Asian countries. Why? This month's special issue of Frontiers of Education in China explores the quantitative results with a set of (mostly) qualitative studies. More...

24 novembre 2016

Immersive Virtual Reality: Online Education for the Next Generation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Immersive Virtual Reality: Online Education for the Next Generation
Peter Merry, ConVerge, 2016/10/18

A fairly light read with a decent number of links, this short article touts the potential of virtual reality (VR) to reshape education. Of course, if past experience is any guide, instead of creating simulations of ERs and submarines, educators will use VR to simulate the typical college lecture theatre. More...

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