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19 novembre 2016

EHEA - EUA Trends reports

Logo of the Bologna ProcessSince 1999, the European University Association (EUA) has been publishing the Trends reports, with a view to feeding an institutional perspective into European higher education policy discussions, and improving exchange and networking among European universities and support for them. The principal method is a questionnaire sent to European higher education institutions, which is complemented by other research methods, including focus groups, visits to universities, interviews, and questionnaires to other stakeholders. The resulting reports are designed to present reliable, longitudinal information about how the European Higher Education and Research Areas are being developed across the continent.

EUA Trends Report I

EUA Trends Report II

EUA Trends Report III

EUA Trends Report IV

EUA Trends Report V

EUA Trends Report VI

EUA Trends Report VII. More...

19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Stakeholders and trends reports

Logo of the Bologna ProcessEUA Trends Reports
Since 1999, the European University Association (EUA) has been publishing the Trends reports, who present information about how the European Higher Education and Research Areas are being developed across the continent.
EUA Trends Report VII
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Bologna With Student Eyes
The European Students’ Union (ESU) has been contributing to the review of the implementation of the Bologna Process since 2003, when it published the first Bologna With Student Eyes (BWSE).
Bologna With Student Eyes 2015
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19 novembre 2016

Bologna Process Stocktaking Report

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe 2009 report on the bologna process stocktaking was prepared by the stocktaking Working group for the leuven/louvain la neuve Ministerial meeting in april 2009.
Based on the analysis that is described in detail in the main part of the report, the working group has drawn conclusions about the progress that has been made towards achieving the goals that were set by the Ministers in london. the report looks at the action lines in an integrated way, in recognition of the strong interdependence between them, and in particular the link between learning outcomes and other elements such as qualifications frameworks, quality assurance, recognition and lifelong learning.

Bologna Process Stocktaking Report 2009

The first stocktaking of progress in the Bologna Process was carried out in 2005, following a decision taken by the Ministers at their 2003 meeting in Berlin. When the Stocktaking Working Group presented its report to the ministerial meeting in Bergen in 2005, the Ministers accepted the recommendation that the stocktaking exercise should continue and they asked that a further report should be prepared for their meeting in London in May 2007.
The 2007 report presents the results of the 2007 stocktaking, which was designed to check the progress that participating countries have made on the aspects of the Bologna Process that are included in the Bergen Communiqué. The report gives an overview of progress since 2005 and also of progress towards achieving the 2010 goals of the Bologna Process.

Bologna Process Stocktaking London 2007

At the Berlin Ministerial Meeting in September 2003, Ministers with responsibility for higher education requested the Bologna Follow-up Group to undertake a stocktaking exercise on the progress made in three priority action linesquality assurance, the two-cycle degree system and recognition of degrees and periods of study. They also requested the group to identify corrective action where appropriate.
In March 2004, the Bologna Follow-up Group established a working group to carry out the stocktaking exercise. The working group has prepared this report for the May 2005 Ministerial Meeting in Bergen.

Bologna Process Stocktaking 2005. More...

19 novembre 2016

Bologna Process implementation report

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe 2015 report has been prepared for the European Ministerial Conference in Yerevan, Armenia on 14-15 May 2015. It provides a snapshot of the state of implementation of the Bologna Process from various perspectives using data collected in the first half of 2014. It provides both qualitative information and statistical data, and covers all main aspects of higher education reforms aiming at a well-functioning European Higher Education Area.

The European Higher Education Area in 2015: Bologna Process Implementation Report

The report is a successor to the first Bologna Process Implementation Report (2012) and has been developed through collaboration between the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG) and Eurostat, Eurostudent and Eurydice, commonly referred to as 'the data collectors'.

The European Higher Education Area in 2012: Bologna Process Implementation Report

The work of the data collectors has been overseen by the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG), and specifically by a working group established to guide all aspects of the reporting process. The group was co-chaired by Germain Dondelinger (Luxembourg) and Andrejs Rauhvargers (Latvia). Close collaboration was also established with all BFUG working groups. More...

19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Bologna Beyond 2010 - A strategy for Bologna 2020

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe Benelux BFUG Secretariat prepared a "NON-PAPER" as warming up for the later BFUG discussions on the European Higher Education Area Beyond 2010 in the framework of the Bologna 2007-2009 work programme.

19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Bologna Beyond 2010 - Position papers

19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Bologna Beyond 2010 - Previous work

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe Bologna Follow-Up Secretariat has been asked to prepare a discussion document for the ministers in Bergen 2005 on what the Bologna process should lead to in 2010 and beyond and whether it should be institutionalised in a more formal way.
As the Bologna Process leads to the establishment of the EHEA, the Bologna Follow-Up Group has to consider the appropriate arrangements needed to support the continuing development beyond 2010. At the Ministerial Conference in Bergen, time was allotted for Ministers to have an open discussion on this issue. This paper (final version) was helpful for setting the background. More...

19 novembre 2016

Actions carried out in the Bologna work programme 2007-2009

Logo of the Bologna ProcessAn extra BFUG meeting held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) under Slovenian Presidency was devoted to the topic. The outcome is available in reports of this BFUG. It formed the basis for a report on “Bologna Beyond 2010”, which was gradually drafted, involving all countries and organisations participating in the Bologna Process, and submitted to the Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve Ministerial Conference. More...

19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Bologna Beyond 2010 - Input from various events

Logo of the Bologna ProcessInput from various events

New Challenges to European Higher Education - Managing the Complexities of a Globalised Society
Launching conference of Council of Europe project “University between Humanism and Market. Redefining its Values and Functions for the 21st Century", 20-21 November 2007

Seminar on "Intercultural Dialogue in on the University Campus", Council of Europe, 4-5 March 2008

Experts and stakeholders were consulted. A seminar was organised in Ghent (Belgium) by the Flemish Community of Belgium together with Luxembourg on 19-20 May 2008: “Bologna 2020: Unlocking Europe's potential - Contributing to a better world". More...

19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Bologna Beyond 2010 - Bologna Activities

Logo of the Bologna ProcessIn the London Communiqué Ministers asked BFUG to consider how the EHEA could further develop after 2010 and to report back to them in 2009. Such a task required input from different sources, including surveys, publications and seminars. More...

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