WG Implementation - Nice 09-10.11.2016 - Draft agenda
WG Implementation - Internationalisation of (External) Quality Assurance
WG Implementation - Concept note: Reversed peer review
2. Welcome
Co-chairs and J.-Ch. Martin, Nice University Vice-President for International Relations
3. Introductory session
Setting the scene: different facets of internationalisation in external QA
Padraig Walsh, ENQA, President
WG Implementation - Internationalisation of (External) Quality Assurance
The ESG 2015 at 1,5 years after Yerevan
Tia Loukkola, EUA, Director for the Institutional Development unit
WG Implementation - ESG 2015: 1,5 years after Yerevan
4. QA of cross-border higher education
Introduction and results of the QACHE project
Padraig Walsh, ENQA, President
WG Implementation - Results of the QACHE project
From GATS to the Services Directive
Alberto Amaral, A3ES, President
WG Implementation - Quality Assurance of Cross-border Higher Education and the Services Directive
5. Cross-border quality assurance
Overview and introduction of the E4/EQAR Key Considerations
Melinda Szabo, EQAR, Project Officer
WG Implementation - Overview of cross-border QA and introduction of the E4/EQAR Key Considerations
International accreditation of engineering programmes by CTI
Marie-Jo Goedert, CTI, Director of administration & international relations
WG Implementation - International accreditation of engineering programmes by CTI
Benefits and challenges in carrying out external quality assurance abroad
Heli Mattisen, EKKA, Director
WG Implementation - Benefits and challenges of external quality assurance abroad: Moldova 2015
Experience with reviews abroad and incoming cross-border QA in Lithuania
Nora Skaburskienė, SKVC, Acting Director
WG Implementation - Experience with reviews abroad and incoming cross-border QA in Lithuania
6. Quality assurance of joint programmes
The European Approach – where do we stand 1,5 years after Yerevan?
Colin Tück, EQAR, Director
WG Implementation - The European Approach, where do we stand 1,5 years after Yerevan?
7. Liaison with other working groups and outcomes of WG2 activities
Liaison with other working groups, i.a. AG3 “Dealing with non-implementation”, WG1 “Monitoring” and WG3 “New Goals. Policy development for new EHEA goals”
Outcomes of WG2 activities (table of events, contribution to the BFUG meeting, final WG report)
WG Implementation - Outline report structure. More...