L'entrepreneuriat des femmes en Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Transgender women will be allowed to enroll in one of the three female-only colleges at Cambridge University, the school has said. More...
Campus police killed Scout Schultz, 21, who they said was advancing on officers with a knife, but mother questions why police didn’t use nonlethal force. More...
Bath Spa University is conducting an internal inquiry into claims that it turned down an application for research on gender reassignment reversal because it was “potentially politically incorrect” and would attract criticism on social media. More...
A women-only Cambridge college has changed its admissions policy to allow it to accept transgender students who identify as female. More...
Ucas says young women a third more likely to go to university than men, and overall admissions are down on last year. More...
La série télé états-unienne 13 Reasons Why, diffusée depuis le 31 mars 2017 sur Netflix, a fait couler beaucoup d’encre et a été notamment pointée du doigt par des autorités scolaires aux États-Unis et au Canada pour la façon dont elle aborde les sujets sensibles du suicide adolescent et du harcèlement scolaire. Certaines écoles canadiennes ont même interdit aux élèves de discuter de la série. Plus...
Engineers are good at solving problems. We make bridges safer, computers faster and engines more efficient. Today, the profession is working on an especially thorny problem: gender equity in higher education. More...
With the academic year entering full swing, I find myself concerned about the quality of my female colleagues’ lives as they face a mountain of what is known as “service work” in addition to their teaching and research responsibilities. More...
When Princess Leia – older, wiser and tougher than ever – returned to the big screen two years ago in the latest Star Wars instalment, The Force Awakens, fans around the globe cheered. More...