Currently, although more than half of all lecturers in universities are women, only 29% of associate professors and 21% of professors are women and no woman has ever been appointed university president. More...
Today Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muižnieks published a letter sent on 9 October to Ramil Usubov, Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, in which he calls for thorough investigations into serious allegations of human rights violations of LGBT persons recently arrested and detained in Baku. More...
Gender biases can be persistent. Too persistent. A simple exercise to illustrate the point: Picture a doctor or a professor. You will most likely think of a man. Now think of nurses and teachers and you are likely to imagine a woman. This unconscious gender bias is rooted in years of associating male and female attributes to specific roles in society. Inevitably, it also influences students’ career choices. More...
In many ways the world now is in better shape than ever. The global poverty rate fell below 10%; we see 9 out of 10 girls and boys entering primary school, and around 85% of all the world’s children are vaccinated against the most common diseases. More...
Though there has been progress, gender equality is still a long way off. That is the key message in our latest report, The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An Uphill Battle, released 4 October. As I write in this OECD Observer article, policies are changing for the better, but much more improvement is needed to close gender gaps in all areas of social and economic life. No country is immune. More...
Atelier interactif et participatif à destination des entreprises locales sur les stéréotypes de genre dans le travail et sur l'intérêt pour les dirigeant.e.s à s'engager en faveur de la mixité et de l'égalité professionnelle.
Source : http://www.gref-bretagne.com/Actualites/Breves/Femmes-Hommes-bougeons-les-lignes
Si l'écart salarial moyen en France entre les hommes et les femmes n'est "que" de 9,9 % contre 14,3 % dans l'OCDE et que le taux d'activité féminin (écart de 7,9 %) est plus proche du taux masculin que dans l'OCDE (12,2 %), l'égalité professionnelle entre les sexes doit encore progresser.
Source : http://www.gref-bretagne.com/Actualites/Revue-de-presse/Egalite.-La-politique-familiale-francaise-permet-d-articuler-vie-pro-et-vie-perso-mais-ne-reduit-pas-les-inegalites-sociales
Afin de mieux identifier et de valoriser les oeuvres et bâtiments signés par des femmes, le collectif HF, qui repère depuis 2009 les inégalités entre les femmes et les hommes dans les arts et la culture, a lancé, il y a 2 ans, les journées du matrimoine.
Source : http://www.gref-bretagne.com/Actualites/Revue-de-presse/Architecture.-Valoriser-les-creations-feminines-pour-combattre-les-inegalites-salariales