We have marriage equality, now we need LGBTQi+-inclusive sexuality education in schools
Dispute on Group That Blocked Gay Leader
By Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. The University of Iowa will no longer recognize a campus Christian group after it refused to give a gay student a leadership position. More...
Brigham Young Gave a Point to Male Applicants
By Scott Jaschik. Leaked documents show an advantage for men over women, using a numerical formula. University says it has shifted to holistic admissions. More...
Science Research Jobs, Open Only to Women
By David Matthews for Times Higher Education. Germany’s Max Planck Society of research institutes has launched a women-only program of tenure-track positions to improve its gender balance and stop rivals poaching its best female scientists. More...
Gender Gap in Academic Seminar Questions
By Rachael Pells for Times Higher Education. Men are two and a half times more likely to ask a question in an academic seminar than women, according to a major study that offers further explanation of female underrepresentation in science. More...
Power-Conscious Approaches to Campus Sexual Violence
Feminists have long advocated that sexual violence is more about power than about sex, yet few people understand what this means. More...
Supporting Queer Survivors of Sexual Violence
Queer women are commonly the targets of sexual violence on college campuses. Approximately one in five lesbian students and one in three bisexual women students are sexually assaulted before they graduate. More...
QUTE: Marriage equality survey announcement video
Enjoy this short video of NTEU at the SSM survey announcement at the State Library in Melbourne on Wednesday 15 Nov. Love won. More...
Egalité professionnelle. Les diplômés des grandes écoles gagnent 11 % de plus que leurs collègues féminines
Selon l'enquête annuelle de la Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE), un jeune diplômé des grandes écoles gagne, en moyenne, 11 % de plus qu'une jeune diplômée. Outre le salaire plus bas, les femmes sont moins en CDI que leurs collègues masculins (79 % contre 86 %) et ont moins le statut de cadre qu'eux (75 % contre 83 %).
Source : http://www.gref-bretagne.com/Actualites/Revue-de-presse/Egalite-professionnelle.-Les-diplomes-des-grandes-ecoles-gagnent-11-de-plus-que-leurs-collegues-feminines