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30 novembre 2017

La Fondation L’OREAL et l’UNESCO révèlent le palmarès 2018 de la 20e édition du Prix pour les femmes et la science

Un fort déséquilibre entre les genres persiste dans la science, la technologie, l’ingénierie et les mathématiques, où les femmes représentent à peine 28% des chercheurs. Même dans les domaines scientifiques où elles sont représentées, les femmes ne participent guère à l’élaboration des politiques et des programmes, et leur contribution à la science continue d’être négligée. Depuis la création des prix Nobel scientifiques, moins de 3% d’entre eux ont été décernés à des femmes. Cette année, l’ensemble des prix Nobel scientifiques ont été décernés à neuf hommes. Plus...
28 novembre 2017

7 challenges women STILL face in higher ed-and how to fix them

eCampus NewsWhile more than half of all college students are women, less than one-third of all full-time professors are women–and the troubling gaps in academia are proving difficult to close. More...

27 novembre 2017

Row over 40% gender quota for reading lists at Lund

By Jan Petter Myklebust. Erik Ringmar, a senior lecturer in political science at Lund University in Sweden, ignited a heated debate on 28 October when he wrote in a blog that it had been impossible to find enough women authors for a course in fascism and totalitarianism to achieve a decade-old policy at Lund that women authors should account for 40% of recommended literature. More...
26 novembre 2017

Female academics back Bath’s vice-chancellor

The Guardian homeBeing a successful woman seems to attract a disproportionate degree of negative criticism (Vice-chancellor survives no confidence vote, 23 November). Since becoming vice-chancellor of the University of Bath in 2001, Glynis Breakwell has led the university from strength to strength as measured by external assessment. More...

26 novembre 2017

Almost half of trans pupils have attempted suicide — schools must do more to challenge gender stereotypes

The ConversationA recent report by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender charity Stonewall, found that 80% of transgender youth have self-harmed, and 40% have attempted suicide. So the Church of England’s recent guidance to its schools, urging teachers to allow pupils to “explore the possibilities of who they might be without judgment”, is very welcome. More...
26 novembre 2017

Gender parity and queer awareness needed in mathematics

The ConversationEquity, diversity and inclusion — EDI — is a trending concept these days. Many institutions now have policies, initiatives and even vice-presidents devoted to EDI — including my own institution, Ryerson University. There is much discussion about how EDI affects productivity and innovation. More...

26 novembre 2017

Male teachers are an endangered species in Australia: new research

The ConversationMale teachers may face extinction in Australian primary schools by the year 2067 unless urgent policy action is taken. In government schools, the year is 2054. More...

26 novembre 2017

Family, community and university support helps lesbian students thrive

The ConversationHow, in an environment that is considered conservative and even sometimes openly homophobic, did these women develop such a strong sense of self-confidence? I was able to find out through a project I conducted as part of my ongoing research about youth, sexuality and gender. The purpose of all my research is to try and shift attitudes towards the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGTBIQ) community at Fort Hare through increased visibility and the normalisation of queer identities. More...

25 novembre 2017

On Being A Feminist Role Model in the Classroom, Revisited, Part 1 Lee Skallerup Bessette. I walk around campus, and almost all of the undergraduate women are dressed in identical athletic wear: short running shorts, oversized unisex cotton t-shirts, runners. I smile internally to myself, because there was a time where I never wore anything other than sweatpants to class and all of my shirts were oversized swimming shirts. More...
24 novembre 2017

Behind the Publication Gender Gap

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Study finds male Ph.D. candidates submit and publish papers at much higher rates than women, even at the same institution. One factor is that women teach more during their Ph.D. programs and men serve more often as research assistants. More...

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