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27 janvier 2018

Queer Student Counseling

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Students struggling with their gender identity or sexual orientation have the longest-term counseling treatment while in college, according to a new report by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health. More...

25 janvier 2018

Only three out of 111 state university rectors are women

A local newspaper has reported that only three state universities in Turkey have women rectors, despite women making up 43.58% of all academics in the country, reports Hurriyet Daily News. More...
23 janvier 2018

Harvard upholds policy against single-gender clubs

Harvard University is upholding a policy that pressures secretive all-male social clubs to accept students of any gender, writes Collin Brinkley for Associated Press. More...
23 janvier 2018

Max Planck Society seeks to hire more women as faculty

In November Germany’s renowned Max Planck Society launched a women-only hiring initiative to help tackle the underrepresentation of women in scientific research. Over the next four years, the society will put more than US$35 million (€30 million) towards the ‘Lise Meitner excellence programme’ – named after the distinguished 20th-century chemist, writes Katarina Zimmer for The Scientist. More...
23 janvier 2018

Did the USSR top the US on gender equality in science?

By Ina Ganguli. Valentina Tereshkova’s famous flight to space in 1963 became a striking symbol of the Soviet Union’s commitment to gender equality, heralding that Soviet women were indeed on “equal footing with men to advance science, culture and the arts”. More...
23 janvier 2018

Universities offer free tuition to transgender students

In April, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in the Southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu waived tuition for transgender students at all 10 of its campuses up to doctoral level. Last month, Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad, Pakistan, followed suit, writes Kristina Marusic for New Now Next. More...
21 janvier 2018

« Sages-femmes », employés de crèche... ces hommes qui choisissent les métiers du soin à la personne

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceComme Flavio ou Jean-Philippe, ils font face au quotidien à toutes sortes de stéréotypes liés à leur choix d’une profession exercée en général par des femmes. Plus...
17 janvier 2018

Non, les femmes n’ont pas « gagné le combat »

Blog Educpros de Jean-Michel Zakhartchouk. Parmi les sottises proférées par certains intellectuels médiatiques déclinistes et haineux de notre  présent,  il y a cette idée que les féministes auraient gagné, dans nos sociétés, et que du coup il ne faudrait pas aller plus loin, au risque de graves dérives (dont l’abandon de la « galanterie », promue comme valeur et soi-disant précurseuse de la libération de la femme). Plus...
16 janvier 2018

Why Should Women in Grad School Lean In to Cardiovascular Health? are told to lean in when it comes to capturing leadership roles, especially in STEM fields where gender disparities are even wider than they are in the humanities. However, it is becoming clear that women in academia should also lean in on matters related to their cardiovascular health. Although we usually hear about cardiovascular disease as it relates to men, after menopause and the accompanying loss of estrogen, the rates of this disease actually climb in women and surpass rates in men. More...

16 janvier 2018

Margaret Atwood, #MeToo, Due Process and a Professor

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Column by author who is a feminist icon asks if she is a “bad feminist” -- and revives debate over whether a university inappropriately fired a noted novelist.
Margaret Atwood is a feminist icon, best known for writing The Handmaid's Tale, which is attracting a new generation of fans through the recent television series. More...

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