By Konrad M. Lawson. In March, a fantastic new resource for studying the history of commodity trade was announced: Trading Consequences. The project is the product of several years of collaboration between York University, Canada, the University of Edinburgh, UK, the University of St Andrews, UK and the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. More...
Cyberbullying a problem at Canadian universities, study shows
By Natalie Samson. Three researchers at Simon Fraser University report that cyberbullying is a growing concern at Canadian universities and that universities will need to address it forcefully, with clearer policies than the ones now in place. Wanda Cassidy, associate professor of education and director of SFU’s Centre for Education, Law and Society (or CELS), Margaret Jackson, professor emerita of criminology, and Chantal Faucher, postdoctoral fellow at CELS, are among only a handful of people in the world examining cyberbullying at universities. Since 2012, the three have been working on a project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to investigate cyberbullying at four Canadian universities. More...
New research into the impact of policy changes on student attitudes to learning
Students have a mixed level of identification with the notion of themselves as ‘consumers’, and they continue to value excellent teaching, research published today into the impact of policy changes on student attitudes and approaches to learning in higher education shows.
The research, by Michael Tomlinson of the University of Southampton and funded by the HEA, reveals that the majority of students in the study spoke of having greater rights and stronger grounds for appraising and questioning the provision they received, but that the notion of actively consuming higher education did not seem to capture the majority's approaches. More...
Why Some Students Stay and Others Drop Out
By Chronicle Staff. Report: “Can Psychosocial Factors Predict First-Year College Retention Beyond Standard Indicators?” (report not yet available online)
Author: David R. King, a doctoral student in psychology at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Edwin Ndum, of the statistical-research department at ACT Inc.
Organizations: Georgia Institute of Technology, ACT Inc.
Summary: The researchers analyzed 10 “psychosocial factors” of 9,364 students at 31 institutions to determine whether those factors had influenced first-year retention and, if so, whether the analysis could predict which students stayed enrolled, dropped out, or transferred. More...
Study: Occupational profile and overqualification of young workers in Canada, 1991 to 2011
Between 1991 and 2011, young Canadians aged 25 to 34 became more likely to be employed in professional occupations. However, a portion of them were "overqualified" during this period—that is, working in occupations requiring lower levels of education.
Two studies released today in Insights on Canadian Society provide some highlights on the evolution of the occupational characteristics of young men and women in Canada between 1991 and 2011, a period during which the educational attainment of young people rose substantially.
The first study examines whether today's young graduates and non-graduates aged 25 to 34 are working in the same occupations as their counterparts were 20 years ago.
The second study examines changes in the proportion of those who are "overqualified" for their job, with a focus on university graduates. More...
Significant link between factors such as ethnicity, gender and school type on achievement in higher education
New HEFCE analysis shows significant link between factors such as ethnicity, gender and school type on achievement in higher education
The most comprehensive study of its kind, published by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), reveals the significant effect of factors such as ethnicity, gender, disadvantage and school type on the chances of students obtaining an upper second or first class degree in higher education.
The new study looks at the achievements of 130,000 students from universities and colleges across England up to August 2011 – the largest student group ever examined in this type of research [Note 1]. It confirms the findings of earlier HEFCE studies on this subject and reveals new and in some cases unexpected insights. More...
Les études d'ERREFOM
La présente étude dresse un état des lieux des contrats de professionnalisation signés en Basse-Normandie entre 2009 et 2012.
Elle présente les caractéristiques du contrat de travail, le profil des bénéficiaires ainsi que celui des entreprises recourant à ce dispositif.
Afin d’avoir une meilleure connaissance des emplois d’ingénieurs en Basse-Normandie, le Conseil Régional de Basse-Normandie, l’Etat et l’Université de Caen Basse-Normandie ont chargé l’ERREFOM de réaliser une étude sur ce sujet.
L’ERREFOM s'est vu confier le soin de mener une étude sur deux des trois spécialités infirmiers existantes : les infirmiers anesthésistes et les infirmiers de bloc opératoire au sein des établissements hospitaliers publics et privés de la région, afin de définir les besoins en emploi et les freins à la formation. Il s’agit d’identifier au mieux les professions d’IADE et d’IBODE afin de relever les besoins à venir.
Cette publication dresse un portrait statistique régional des 20 principaux secteurs afin de mieux appréhender le poids et les spécificités de chaque secteur dans l'économie bas-normande. Les données sont issues des DADS (Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales), et organisées en secteur d'activité économique selon la nomenclature NAF38 (Nomenclature d'Activités Française) de
Cette enquête sur les ressources humaines de la filière automobile régionale permet de caractériser les salariés appartenant à cette filière.
New OECD study on financial education for youth
The OECD has released a new publication on “Financial education for youth: the role of schools”. Financial education has been judged essential for young people during the 2012 G20 Summit as key life skill for their financial inclusion, well-being and stability. The report looks at financial education in schools and compares learning frameworks. Financial education is an OECD priority. More...
Les études publiques sur la région Basse-Normandie s'ouvrent à tous
CIRCE, le Catalogue Interactif Régional de Consultation des Études, permet d’avoir accès aux données publiques de la Basse-Normandie.
Développé par la Région et l’Etat en faveur de l’ouverture des données publiques (Open data), le Catalogue Interactif Régional de Consultation des Études, CIRCE, permet de consulter librement plus de 500 études pour mieux connaître la Basse-Normandie sous toutes ses composantes (population, économie, énergie, logement, agriculture…). Voir l'article...
Lycée : les Français seraient des mauvais élèves en Europe selon l'Insee
Les Français sont moins nombreux que la moyenne européenne à être allés au moins jusqu'au lycée. Et les disparités en termes d'instruction se creusent également en fonction du sexe.
Alors qu'en France, le diplôme est loin d'être démocratisé, le constat semble être encore plus alarmant si l'on procède à une comparaison européenne. En effet, en France, "seulement" 72,5 % des 25-64 ans ont au moins terminé le lycée, contre 74,2 % de la moyenne européenne, selon l'Insee. Suite...