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26 août 2016

Melania Trump Is Innocent of Plagiarism (Sort of, not really) John Warner. Plagiarism is in the air, which makes me think about my experiences with students, detecting, responding to, and punishing the act. Read more...
23 août 2016

Students don’t understand plagiarism, research suggests

Dr Lee Adam, education research fellow at the University of Otago, finds that universities might need to consider their plagiarism policies and how they might “influence or confuse students in counterproductive ways”, writes John Elmes for Times Higher Education. Read more...

17 juillet 2016

I reported plagiarism in a PhD, but my university ignored it Academic. After discovering a few dodgy lines in a book, I found a PhD thesis full of ‘borrowed’ phrases – yet the cheat has faced no repercussions. More...

5 juillet 2016

Government drafts anti-plagiarism law for academia

The government plans to bring in a law to stop rampant plagiarism in academia, with punishment ranging from a warning to deregistration in the case of students and dismissal from service for teachers, writes Neelam Pandey for the Hindustan Times. Read more...

25 mai 2016

The Slippery Business of Plagiarism

By Elena Denison-Schmidt. Plagiarism is a widespread problem around the world. It can take various forms — coping and pasting text without acknowledging its source, “recycling” or self-plagiarism (presenting the same paper several times as original), purchasing papers from an agency or a ghostwriter and submitting them as one’s own. Read more...

9 mai 2016

Universities receive warnings over plagiarism

The Office of the Higher Education Commission has warned universities they are responsible for placing more emphasis on the quality of teaching, especially at the graduate level, after two cases of alleged thesis plagiarism at Silpakorn University were unveiled last month, writes Dumrongkiat Mala for the Bangkok Post. Read more...

6 mai 2016

Plagiarism: Warnings after university thesis plagiarism revealed

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "bangkokpost logo"By Jon Fernquest. Recent media coverage of research in Thai universities that copies the writing of other people, has drawn attention to culture of plagiarism that holds back research work in Thailand. Govt action being taken. More...

4 avril 2016

How well do Canadian distance education students understand plagiarism?

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThis project ascertains how well students taking online, distance education courses at a Canadian university recognize plagiarised material and how well they paraphrase. It also assesses the types of errors made. Slightly more than half of 420 psychology students correctly selected plagiarised phrases from four multiple choicequestions. More...

4 avril 2016

Concern about universities violating plagiarism policy

The Higher Education Commission has expressed concerns at universities not following the commission’s plagiarism policy by not taking action on plagiarism complaints against their faculty, reports The Express Tribune. Read more...

27 mars 2016

'The Good Wife' on Plagiarism

HomeThe Good Wife, the CBS drama series whose writers Inside Higher Ed has previously suspected keep up with higher education news, on Sunday tackled educational technology -- specifically, antiplagiarism software turning up "false positives." Read more...

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