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18 septembre 2015

Strasbourg: Un nouveau logiciel anti-plagiat à l'Université

20minutes.frPar Alexia Ighirri. L’Unistra fait la chasse au plagiat ! Dans son journal électronique interne L’Actu, l’université de Strasbourg annonce avoir acquis un nouveau logiciel anti-plagiat avec la solution de détection de similitudes Compilatio
Celle-ci sera mise à la disposition des enseignants de l’université d’ici à quelques jours. L’obtention d’une enveloppe financière via l’Initiative d’excellence, a permis l’achat d’une solution unique pour l’ensemble de l’université. Voir l'article...

6 septembre 2015

L’Université de Lyon lance une campagne anti-plagiat

Lyon CapitalePar Manon Dognin. Pour cette rentrée 2015, l'Université de Lyon lance une campagne de sensibilisation contre le plagiat. Et celle-ci ne s'adresse pas seulement aux étudiants. Enseignants, chercheurs et administratifs sont tout autant concernés. Quelquefois, le plagiat découle simplement d'une mauvaise appréhension du principe de citation des sources. C'est sur ce point que se focalise cette campagne, baptisée “Le bestiaire des plagiaires”. Voir l'article...

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5 septembre 2015

Understanding & Preventing Plagiarism Strategies & Resources for Students and Teachers

Students, particularly those in college, are expected to adhere to rigorous codes of conduct that stress academic integrity, including prohibitions against plagiarism. Steering clear of plagiarism, however, can be more difficult than it seems and the consequences can be severe. Fortunately, it’s a problem educators are devoting quite a bit of energy to, and there are new resources available to help students avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism. Read on to learn about practical preventative measures. More...

29 août 2015

Forget plagiarism: there’s a new and bigger threat to academic integrity

The ConversationBy . Academic plagiarism is no longer just sloppy “cut and paste” jobs or students cribbing large chunks of an assignment from a friend’s earlier essay on the same topic. These days, students can simply visit any of a number of paper or essay mills that litter the internet and buy a completed assignment to present as their own. More...
20 août 2015

Avoiding Plagiarism

Résultat de recherche d'images pour This tutorial aims to help you understand plagiarism and how to avoid committing it. More...

17 août 2015

Stop this plagiarism plague

By Munawar A Anees and Maryam Iraj. Recent public records show many major universities being hit by massive episodes of plagiarism. For instance, two months ago, the Higher Education Commission announced the disqualification of 45 faculty members from a dozen universities over plagiarism charges. Read more...

5 août 2015

Policing won’t be enough to prevent pay-for plagiarism

The ConversationBy . Buying and selling high-stakes assessments is bad for education. It undermines community confidence because we can’t be sure if a grade was earned or bought. Plagiarism hurts plagiarists too, because they miss out on the learning opportunities that the assessment was supposed to provide. Tensions around plagiarism may be part of a culture of distrust between teachers and students. More...
5 août 2015

Policing plagiarism could make universities miss the real problems

The ConversationBy and . Plagiarism regularly makes the headlines and universities are under pressure to tackle the problem decisively. More...
28 juillet 2015

Varsities told to cap PhD guides and check plagiarism

The TelegraphBy Basant Kumar Mohanty. Universities may attract penalty, including a freeze of grants, if its teachers are found to be guiding more than eight PhD students at any given point in time as part of a drive to plug lacunae in research.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) will ask all universities to have anti-plagiarism software to ensure that the thesis papers reflect genuine research. More...

28 juillet 2015

Grappling with a plagiarism problem in universities

By Munyaradzi Makoni. Banishing academic dishonesty could help Mozambique nurture original thinkers who are economically efficient and socially suited to develop the country. But this will only be possible if administrators work with professors and students to build strong measures to combat widespread plagiarism, which is hampering the production of quality graduates. Read more...

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