By . Efforts to prevent student cheating have always been about universities being seen to be doing something but academia is part of the problem. More...
Education minister found guilty of plagiarism
According to unofficial reports, the Committee for Ethics in Science and Higher Education has found Croatian Minister of Science and Education Pavo Barisic guilty of plagiarism, writes Vedran Pavlic for Total Croatia News. Read more...
10 types of plagiarism
Court Backs Harvard in Plagiarism Challenge
By Doug Lederman. Harvard University did not defame or breach a contract with a former law school student when it noted a plagiarism finding on her transcript, a federal appeals court ruled Monday. Read more...
What students don't understand about plagiarism
Le plagiat sous surveillance à l'université de Tours
Facilité par les outils numériques, les cas de plagiat restent rares à l’université. Pour les détecter, un logiciel de détection est à disposition des enseignants. Il aura suffi de trois clics pour faire tomber la sanction : 77 % du document présentent des similitudes avec d'autres sources repérées sur le Web. 45 % des passages ont été recopiés mot pour mot, 33 % ont fait l'objet d'une réécriture (peu subtile). Voir l'article...
Higher education hit by plagiarism scandals
By Laeed Zaghlami. Plagiarism has been taboo for some and an open secret for others in Algeria, but is today a scandal that no one can deny – even though Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research officials are trying to minimise the problem. Some flagrant examples of plagiarism have emerged into the public sphere, and they appear to be the tip of the iceberg. Read more...
The new way university cheats are being caught

Melania Trump’s speech follows a long history of plagiarism in public life
By . Melania Trump’s apparent plagiarism of the speech given by Michelle Obama at the 2008 Democratic Convention reminds us of the importance we continue to ascribe to originality and to authenticity in public life. More...
A Plagiarism Rubric
By Laura Tropp. In light of recent accusations of plagiarism within portions of speeches delivered at the Republican National Convention this week, I thought it would be helpful for me to offer a perspective from the ivory towers of academia. Read more...