Delusions of candour: why technology won’t stop plagiarism
Cheating with essay mills: an extension of students asking each other for help?
Plagiarisme di UNJ: persekongkolan akademisi dan politikus
Temuan plagiarisme beberapa disertasi para pejabat publik alumni program pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), yang berujung pada pemecatan Rektor UNJ Profesor Djaali minggu ini, adalah contoh kecil dari carut-marutnya pengelolaan universitas di Indonesia. More...
Universities urged to block essay-mill sites in plagiarism crackdown
Watchdog issues guidance to help institutions address ‘pernicious’ cheating through use of sites for written-to-order papers. More...
Plenty of ways to bring an end to plagiarism in university essays
I once answered a job advertisement for an “academic researcher”, thereby inadvertently applying for a job with one of these sites. More...
Universities body drafts policy to check plagiarism

Bad Idea About Writing: Plagiarism Deserves to Be Punished
While most believe the contrary, some people understand that plagiarism is not necessarily deceitful or deserving censure, writesJennifer A. Mott-Smith. More...
How to prevent accidental plagiarism in an online world
Techno-News Blog. Students write a lot, and the issue of plagiarism (or, at least, wrong paraphrasing) remains topical. As educators, what can you do to help students avoid the problem? Everything starts with suspicion. You take a student’s essay, start reading it, and it doesn’t feel right. More...
Plagiarism: It’s All Greek to Some
By World View. As higher education continues to recruit internationally, institutions must support and monitor the movement of knowledge with greater care. More...